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Thank you for purchasing the Altec Lansing Octiv Duo speaker system.
Designed specifically to work with your iPhone and iPod players, this dual-
docking/charging speaker system provides high-quality audio performance
that brings out the best in your music. It does everything a docking speaker
does multiplied by two!
Please carefully read this User Guide for instructions on setting up and
using your Octiv Duo speaker system.
Prior to installing or operating the Altec Lansing Octiv Duo speaker system,
refer to the important product safety information.
Getting Assistance
The answers to most setup and performance questions can be found in the
Troubleshooting section of this guide. You can also consult the frequently
asked questions (FAQ) in the customer support section of our Web site at
If you live in North America and still can’t find the information you need,
please call our customer service team for assistance before returning this
product to your retailer under their return policy.
Tel: 800-258-3288 (Toll Free in US and Canada)
Email: csupport@alteclansing.com
If you live outside of North America, please visit our Web site
at www.alteclansing.com and select your region to locate your
For the most up-to-date information, be sure to check our Web site at
International Distribution
International customers: For information regarding the distribution of Altec
Lansing products in your country, please visit www.alteclansing.com and
click on your region.
Registering Your Product
Visit www.alteclansing.com to register your product online, so we can
provide you with the best possible service and technical support.
FCC Compliance
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible
for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions:
1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference
that may cause undesired operation.

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