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1 Antenna Receptacle
Connect to the supplied ISO antenna convertor plug.
2 Audio Interrupt In Lead (Pink/Black)
Connect this lead to the Audio Interface output of a
cellular phone which provides ground shorting when
a call is received.
3 Remote Turn-On Lead (Blue/White)
Connect this lead to the remote turn-on lead of your
amplifier or signal processor.
4 Switched Power Lead (Ignition) (Red)
Connect this lead to an open terminal on the vehicles
fuse box or another unused power source which
provides (+) 12V only when the ignition is turned on
or in the accessory position.
5 Power Antenna Lead (Blue)
Connect this lead to the +B terminal of your power
antenna, if applicable.
This lead should be used only for controlling the
vehicle's power antenna. Do not use this lead to turn on
an amplifier or a signal processor, etc.
6 Fuse Holder (15A)
7 Battery Lead (Yellow)
Connect this lead to the positive (+) post of the
vehicle's battery.
8 ISO Power Supply Connector
9 Ground Lead (Black)
Connect this lead to a good chassis ground on the
vehicle. Make sure the connection is made to bare
metal and is securely fastened using the sheet metal
screw provided.
! Ai-NET Connector
Connect this to the output or input connector of other
product (CD changer, Equalizer, etc.) equipped with
" Power Supply Connector
# ISO Connector (Speaker Output)
$ Left Rear (+) Speaker Output Lead (Green)
% Left Rear () Speaker Output Lead (Green/Black)
& Left Front (+) Speaker Output Lead (White)
( Left Front () Speaker Output Lead (White/Black)
) Right Front () Speaker Output Lead (Grey/Black)
~ Right Front (+) Speaker Output Lead (Grey)
+ Right Rear () Speaker Output Lead (Violet/Black)
, Right Rear (+) Speaker Output Lead (Violet)
- Front Output RCA Connectors
RED is right and WHITE is left.
. Rear Output RCA Connectors
RED is right and WHITE is left.
/ Subwoofer Output RCA Connectors
RED is right and WHITE is left.
: Ai-NET Cable (Included with CD Changer)
; RCA Extension cable (Sold Separately)
< DC/DC Converter
Do not install the converter at a location subjected to
water such as under the floor mat or air conditioner.
This may cause a malfunction.
Do not bundle the DC/DC converter cable with other
audio cables. Doing so may induce noise into your
Keep the DC/DC converter away from the Antenna
cables and the rear side of the unit, otherwise noise
may be generated when receiving radio broadcast.
= Remote Control Interface Connector
To remote control interface box.
> System Switch
When connecting a processor using Ai-NET, place
this switch in the EQ/DIV position. When no device
is connected, leave the switch in the NORM position.
Be sure to turn the power off to the unit before changing
the switch position.
? Setting the 3WAY/2 WAY switch
Set the 3way/2way Switch according to your audio system.
The system whose frequency range is divided
between the high frequency range and the low
frequency range.
The system whose frequency range is divided
among the high frequency range, mid frequency
range, and the low frequency range.
The position of switching the switch: F/R/Sub-W
Front high range
speaker (L)
Rear high range
speaker (L)
Front high range
speaker (R)
Rear high range
speaker (R)
Low range
speaker (L)
Low range
speaker (R)
The position of switching the switch: 3WAY
High range
speaker (L)
Mid range
speaker (L)
High range
speaker (R)
Mid range
speaker (R)
Low range
speaker (L)
Low range
speaker (R)
Use the SUB-W output cord to connect the unit to the Low Range speaker.
You can use the built-in amplifier to output the Front output/Rear output.
You cannot adjust the FADER when setting to 3 WAY.
Output of this unit :
Front output Rear output SUB-W output

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