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ALPINE CDE-9870R 68-05946Z90-A (EN)
On handling Compact Discs (CD/CD-R/CD-RW)
Do not touch the surface.
Do not expose the disc to direct sunlight.
Do not affix stickers or labels.
Clean the disc when it is dusty.
Make sure that there are no bumps around the disc.
Do not use commercially available disc accessories.
Do not leave the disc in the car or the unit for a long time.
Never expose the disc to direct sunlight. Heat and humidity may
damage the CD and you may not be able to play it again.
To customers using CD-R/CD-RW
If a CD-R/CD-RW cannot be played back, make sure the last
recording session was closed (finalized).
Finalize the CD-R/CD-RW if necessary, and attempt playback
About media that can be played
Use only compact discs with the label side showing the CD logo
marks below.
If you use unspecified compact discs, correct performance cannot
be guaranteed.
You can play CD-Rs (CD-Recordables)/CD-RWs (CD-
ReWritables) which have been recorded only on audio devices.
You can also play CD-Rs/CD-RWs containing MP3 formatted
audio files.
Some of the following CDs may not play on this unit:
Flawed CDs, CDs with fingerprints, CDs exposed to extreme
temperatures or sunlight (e.g., left in the car or this unit), CDs
recorded under unstable conditions, CDs on which a recording
failed or a re-recording was attempted, copy-protected CDs
which do not conform to the audio CD industry standard.
Use discs with MP3 files written in a format compatible with this
unit. For details, see pages 12-13.
ROM data other than audio files contained in a disc will not
produce sound when played back.
Apple, the Apple logo and iPod are trademarks of Apple
Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
“MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology licensed from
Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson.
“Supply of this product only conveys a license for private, non-
commercial use and does not convey a license nor imply any
right to use this product in any commercial (i.e. revenue-
generation) real time broadcasting (terrestrial, satellite, cable
and/or any other media), broadcasting/streaming via internet,
intranets and/or other networks or in other electronic content
distribution systems, such as pay-audio or audio-on-demand
applications. An independent license for such use is required.
For details, please visit http://www. mp3licensing.com”
01GB00CDE-9870R.book Page 5 Wednesday, November 1, 2006 10:47 AM

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Andere handleiding(en) van Alpine CDE-9870R

Alpine CDE-9870R Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 28 pagina's

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