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CD Player Operation
The display shows the track number and elapsed
time of the track being played. When the last
track is played back the player returns to the first
track and begins playback from that point.
2 If a disc is already loaded in the CD player, press
the SOURCE button to select the CD mode.
3 Press the -/J button to start CD play.
4 Press the -/J button to temporarily stop CD
To resume playback, press the -/J button again.
Music Sensor (Skip)
1 Momentarily press the DN g button once
during CD play to return to the beginning of the
current track. If you wish to access a track further
back, repeatedly press until you reach the
desired track.
Press the f UP button once to advance to the
beginning of the next track. If you wish to access
a track further ahead, press repeatedly until the
desired track is reached.
The music sensor feature is functional in the play or
pause mode.
Fast Forward and Backward
1 Press and hold the DN g or f UP button to
quickly move backward or forward until you
reach the desired section of the track.
- / J
f UP
DN g
Inserting/Ejecting Disc
1 Insert a CD half way into the slot with the label
side facing up. The player automatically draws
the disc into the disc compartment.
The Disc indicator appears to show that a disc
is loaded.
Three-inch (8cm) CD's cannot be used (CDM-7857RB
2 Press the Eject c button when you want to eject
the CD.
If the CD is not removed for several seconds after it
has been ejected, the player automatically draws the
CD into the compartment to protect the CD.
Only compact discs containing the mark shown can
be used.
Normal Play and Pause
1 Insert a CD. The CD player begins playback from
the first track on the disc.

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