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To pause playback, press .
Pressing again will resume playback.
A song playing on the iPod/iPhone while it is connected to this unit will
continue to play from where it was paused after disconnection.
If you listen to an episode from a selected Podcast or Audiobook, the
episode can be changed by pressing 1 or 2.
An episode may have several chapters. The chapter can be changed by
pressing or .
During iPod/iPhone playback, press r, and then you can quickly
return to the hierarchy level selected last time in the search mode.
Searching for a desired Song
An iPod/iPhone can contain thousands of songs. Use one of the search
modes listed below, that you deem most effective in finding a desired
Each music category has its own individual hierarchy. Use the Playlist/
Artist/Album/Song/Podcast/Genre/Composer/Audiobook/Genius Mix
List search mode to narrow searches based on the table below.
You can select your preferred search mode. Refer to “iPod/iPhone
Search Mode Setting” on page 22.
For example:
Searching by Artist name
The following example explains how an ARTIST search is performed.
Another search mode can be used for the same operation, although the
hierarchy differs.
Press ENTER to activate the search selection mode.
The “” indicator lights up.
Turn the Rotary encoder to select the ARTIST search
mode, and then press ENTER.
*1 Refer to “Random Play Shuffle (M.I.X.)” on page 25.
*2 Depending on the iPod/iPhone, podcast search is not supported.
*3 Depending on the connected iPod/iPhone, Genius Mix function
may not be supported.
*4 When an iPod/iPhone with Genius Mix List created by iTunes is
connected to this unit, GENIUS MIX search mode can be used
to search a Genius Mix List.
The display of search mode list varies depending on the setting of iPod
LIST. For details, refer to “iPod/iPhone Search Mode Setting” on
page 22.
Turn the Rotary encoder to select the desired Artist, and
then press ENTER.
Turn the Rotary encoder to select the desired Album, and
then press ENTER.
Turn the Rotary encoder to select the desired Song, and
then press ENTER.
After pressing and holding ENTER for at least 2 seconds while in
each hierarchy (except Song, Audiobook and Genius Mix List), all songs
of the selected hierarchy are played back.
Playback [ALL] is only applicable for those categories marked with “
(refer to the table on the left) press and hold ENTER for at least 2
seconds to play back all songs in the iPod/iPhone or selected search
While in the search mode, if you press and hold r for 2 seconds, or no
operation is performed for 10 seconds, the search mode is cancelled.
In the search mode, pressing r will return to the previous mode.
When search is made during M.I.X. play, the M.I.X. play mode will be
“NO SONG” will be displayed if there are no songs in the selected
playlist in the PLAYLIST search mode.
“NO PODCAST” will be displayed if there is no podcast data in the
iPod/iPhone in the PODCAST search mode.
“NOAUDIOBOK” will be displayed if there is no audiobook data in the
iPod/iPhone in AUDIOBOOK search mode.
“NO GENIUS” will be displayed if there is no genius mix list data in the
GENIUS MIX search mode.
If “iPod name” stored in the iPod/iPhone is selected in the desired
Playlist search mode, and ENTER is pressed, you can search for all
songs in the iPod/iPhone. Also, if you press and hold ENTER for at
least 2 seconds, all songs in the iPod/iPhone are played back.
•Press any of the preset buttons (1 through 6) during a search to skip
over a calculated percentage of songs. For details, refer to “Direct Search
Function” on page 25.
During search mode, a search can be made quickly by Alphabet search
function to find the desired artist or song, etc. For details, refer to
Alphabet search function” on page 24.
Alphabet search function
The unit’s alphabet search function can be used to search for an album,
song, etc., more efficiently. In PLAYLIST/ARTIST/ALBUM/SONG/
the first letter of your desired title (album, song, etc.), the titles
beginning with this letter are listed. By using this function, you can
quickly target any song.
After selecting a search mode, press BAND/ABC SEARCH.
The letter selection list is displayed.
Turn the Rotary encoder to select a desired letter (e.g. M),
and then press ENTER.
The titles beginning with “M” are listed.
Turn the Rotary encoder to select the desired title.
While in Alphabet search mode, pressing r will return to the previous
If the PLAYLIST search mode is used to search for a song, the Alphabet
search function is inactive in the song search hierarchy.
This function is unavailable when Genius Mix List is selected.
Hierarchy 1 Hierarchy 2 Hierarchy 3 Hierarchy 4
Playlist Song
Podcast Episode
Genius Mix List———

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Andere handleiding(en) van Alpine CDE-180RR

Alpine CDE-180RR Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 76 pagina's

Alpine CDE-180RR Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 35 pagina's

Alpine CDE-180RR Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 35 pagina's

Alpine CDE-180RR Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Espanõl, Polski, Svenska - 76 pagina's

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