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Connect USB cable to an iPod/iPhone with Interface cable for iPod.
Remove the iPod/iPhone
Remove the iPod/iPhone from Interface cable for iPod.
After changing the unit to a source other than the iPod, remove the
iPod/iPhone. If the iPod/iPhone is removed in the iPod mode, data may
cause damage.
If sound is not output or the iPod/iPhone is not recognised even when
the iPod/iPhone is connected, remove the iPod/iPhone once, then
connect it again, or reset the iPod.
Do not leave the iPod/iPhone in a vehicle for a long time. Heat and
humidity may damage the iPod/iPhone and you may not be able to play
it again.
Connect USB Memory
Connect the USB cable to the USB connector of the unit.
Remove USB Memory
Pull out USB Memory squarely from the USB cable.
When removing USB Memory, pull it out straight.
If sound is not output or USB Memory is not recognized even when
USB Memory is connected, remove USB Memory once, then connect it
Change to a source other than the USB mode, then remove the USB
Memory. If the USB Memory is removed in the USB mode, data may be
Route the USB cable away from another cables.
Mounting the Microphone
(Only for CDE-178BT/iDE-178BT)
For the sake of safety, mount the microphone in the following location.
In a stable and secure location.
In a location that does not inhibit safely driving the vehicle.
Mount the microphone in a location where the drivers voice can
easily be picked up.
Choose a location for the microphone that can easily pick up the drivers
voice. Requiring the driver to move towards the microphone for
audibility causes a distraction that could be dangerous.
Using the Rear AUX Input Connector
Connect a portable music player, etc. by simply connecting it to the Rear
Aux Input Connector. An optional adapter cable is required (standard
RCA to 3.5ø mini-phono plug or 3.5ø to 3.5ø mini phono plug).
Press VSOURCE, and select the Auxiliary mode to listen
to the portable device.
This function is available only when AUX IN is set to ON. For details,
refer to “Setting the AUX SETUP mode” on page 28.
iPod/iPhone Connection (sold separately)
USB Memory Connection
(sold separately)
Interface cable for iPod (included with iPod/iPhone)
USB cable
This unit
USB Memory
(sold separately)
Cable (Supplied)
USB Connector
This unit
USB Memory
(sold separately)
USB Connector
Cable (Supplied)
Portable player, etc.
Rear AUX Input Connector
Main unit
Optional adapter cable (RCA pin
plugs [red, white] 3.5ø miniplugs)
or (3.5ø miniplugs).

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Andere handleiding(en) van Alpine CDE-175R

Alpine CDE-175R Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 112 pagina's

Alpine CDE-175R Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 58 pagina's

Alpine CDE-175R Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 112 pagina's

Alpine CDE-175R Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 58 pagina's

Alpine CDE-175R Snelstart handleiding - English, Français, Italiano, Espanõl, Polski, Svenska - 112 pagina's

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