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When you install this unit in your car, do not remove the
detachable front panel.
If the detachable front panel is removed during installation, you
might press too hard and warp the metal plate that holds it in
The main unit must be mounted within 35 degrees of the
horizontal plane, back to front.
Remove the mounting sleeve from the main unit (Refer to
“Removal” on page 42). Slide the mounting sleeve into the
dashboard and fix it with the metal shackles.
* If the installed mounting sleeve is loose in the dashboard, the
pressure plates may be bent slightly to remedy the problem.
When your vehicle has the Bracket, mount the long hex
bolt onto the rear panel of the CDE-135BT and put the
Rubber Cap on the hex bolt. If your vehicle does not have
the Mounting Support, reinforce the head unit with the
metal mounting strap (not supplied). Connect all the leads
of the CDE-135BT according to details described in the
* For the screw
, provide a proper screw to the chassis installing
Slide the CDE-135BT into the dashboard. When the unit is
in place, make sure the locking pins are fully seated in the
down position. This can be done by pressing firmly in on
the unit while pushing the locking pin down with a small
screwdriver. This ensures that the unit is properly locked
and will not accidentally come out from the dashboard.
Install the detachable front panel.
Remove the detachable front panel.
Use a small screwdriver (or similar tool) to push the
locking pins to the “up” position (see above drawing). As
each pin is unlocked, gently pull out on the unit to make
sure it does not re-lock before unlocking the second pin.
Pull the unit out, keeping it unlocked as you do so.
Connect USB cable to an iPod/iPhone with Interface cable
for iPod.
Connect the USB cable to the USB connector of this unit.
Less than 35°
Rubber Cap (Included)
Hex Bolt
Mounting Sleeve
Pressure Plates
This unit
Metal Mounting Strap
Bolt Stud
Hex Nut (M5)
This unit
iPod/iPhone Connection (sold separately)
Lock Pin
Front Frame
Screw (M5 × 8)
This unit
Mounting Bracket
Interface cable for iPod (included with iPod/iPhone)
USB Extension cable

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Andere handleiding(en) van Alpine CDE-135BT

Alpine CDE-135BT Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 53 pagina's

Alpine CDE-135BT Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 53 pagina's

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