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You can set whether this unit can be recognised or not from a
BLUETOOTH compatible device. Normally set this to VISI M ON.
Setting item: VISIBLE M
Setting contents:
VISI M ON (Initial setting) / VISI M OFF
Enable recognition of this unit from the BLUETOOTH compatible
Disable recognition of this unit from the BLUETOOTH compatible
If your BLUETOOTH device is not immediately pairing, the head unit
can perform a search. The search can find paired or unpaired devices.
Setting item: SEARCH DEV
When SEARCH DEV is selected and “SEARCHING” is
displayed, the search gets started.
The “SEARCHING” operation can be stopped by pressing .
Turn the Rotary encoder to select the name of the device
to be connected from the Device Search list and then
press ENTER.
If this unit is successfully connected to a BLUETOOTH
compatible device, “CONNECTED” is displayed, and then
the unit returns to normal mode.
Depending on the mobile phone, it may be necessary to input a
passcode. In this case, “CODE 0000” is displayed. Input the
passcode “0000” in the BLUETOOTH compatible device to make
the pairing. After the pairing is completed, the unit will
automatically connect to the BLUETOOTH compatible device. If
you input the wrong passcode or the communication fails,
“FAILED” is displayed.
Change these settings to improve the quality of the outgoing or
incoming call.
Setting item: CALL SOUND
Further setting items: VOL LV ADJ / AUTO SET
Adjusting the volume (VOL LV ADJ)
You can emphasize or weaken the volume level of the Phone call, the
ring tone and the microphone input to fit your own preferences.
Setting contents:
-5 dB ~ +5 dB
-5 dB ~ +5 dB
-5 dB ~ +5 dB
Sound Auto setting (AUTO SET)
Depending on your calling environment, choose one of the settings
below which gives the best sound quality.
Setting contents:
TYPE1 (Initial setting) / TYPE2 / TYPE3 / TYPE4 / TYPE5
Standard Mode (recommended)
Enhances the noise reduction
Enhances the echo-cancel
Enhances both noise reduction and echo-cancel
Weakens both noise reduction and echo-cancel
The functions below are designed to improve the sound quality of the
outgoing call.
Noise reduction: This function can reduce the road noise, but excessive
enhancement may affect the sound quality of the call.
Echo-cancel: This function can reduce the echo, but excessive
enhancement may affect the sound quality of the call.
You can choose whether to use this function according to the following
Setting item: CALLER ID
Setting contents:
ON (Initial setting) / OFF
If you want to keep the ID information of the caller from others, set this
item to OFF. Depending on the stored ID information, while you are
dialing a number, only telephone number will be displayed or telephone
name will be displayed as “ID UNSENT”; During a call, “NO NAME”
will be displayed; Or while a call is dialing in, only telephone number
will be displayed or telephone name will be displayed as “NO NAME”.
You can set whether to update the phone book automatically.
Setting item: PB UPDATE
Setting contents:
ON (Initial setting) / OFF
When the mobile phone reconnects with this unit, the phone
book will update.
The phone book will not update.
The BLUETOOTH Menu can be switched within 6 languages.
Setting item: BT MENU
Setting contents:
Setting the Visible Mode
Pairing a BLUETOOTH Device from the
Setting the BLUETOOTH sound quality
Setting the caller information display ON/
Phone Book Auto Update ON/OFF
Setting the BLUETOOTH Menu language

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Andere handleiding(en) van Alpine CDE-135BT

Alpine CDE-135BT Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 53 pagina's

Alpine CDE-135BT Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 53 pagina's

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