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Inserting Discs
Your player accepts only one disc at a time for playback. Do not
attempt to load more than one disc.
Make sure the label side is facing up when you insert the disc.
“ERROR” will be displayed on your player if you insert a disc
incorrectly. If “ERROR” continues to be displayed even though the
disc has been inserted correctly, push the RESET switch with a
pointed object such as a ballpoint pen.
Playing a disc while driving on a very bumpy road may result in
skips, but this will not scratch the disc or damage the player.
New Discs
To prevent the CD from jamming, “ERROR” is displayed if discs
with irregular surfaces are inserted or if discs are inserted
incorrectly. When a new disc is ejected immediately after initial
loading, use your finger to feel around the inside of the centre hole
and outside edge of the disc. If you feel any small bumps or
irregularities, this could inhibit proper loading of the disc. To
remove the bumps, rub the inside edge of the hole and outside edge
of the disc with a ballpoint pen or other such instrument, then
insert the disc again.
Irregular Shaped Discs
Be sure to use round shape discs only for this unit and never use any
special shape discs.
Use of special shape discs may cause damage to the mechanism.
Installation Location
Make sure this unit will not be installed in a location subjected to:
•Direct sun and heat
High humidity and water
Excessive dust
•Excessive vibrations
Correct Handling
Do not drop the disc while handling. Hold the disc so you will not
leave fingerprints on the surface. Do not affix tape, paper, or
gummed labels to the disc. Do not write on the disc.
Disc Cleaning
Fingerprints, dust, or soil on the surface of the disc could cause the
CD player to skip. For routine cleaning, wipe the playing surface
with a clean, soft cloth from the centre of the disc to the outer edge.
If the surface is heavily soiled, dampen a clean, soft cloth in a
solution of mild neutral detergent before cleaning the disc.
Disc Accessories
There are various accessories available on the market for protecting
the disc surface and improving sound quality. However, most of
them will influence the thickness and/or diameter of the disc. Using
such accessories can cause the disc to be out of standard
specifications and may create operational problems. We
recommend not using these accessories on discs played in Alpine
CD players.
On handling Compact Discs (CD/CD-R/CD-RW)
Do not touch the surface.
Do not expose the disc to direct sunlight.
Do not affix stickers or labels.
Clean the disc when it is dusty.
Make sure that there are no bumps around the disc.
Do not use commercially available disc accessories.
Do not leave the disc in the car or the unit for a long time. Never
expose the disc to direct sunlight. Heat and humidity may damage
the CD and you may not be able to play it again.
To c u stom ers u sing C D -R/ CD- RW
If a CD-R/CD-RW cannot be played back, make sure the last
recording session was closed (finalised).
Finalize the CD-R/CD-RW if necessary, and attempt playback again.
About media that can be played
Use only compact discs with the label side showing the CD logo
marks below.
If you use non-standard compact discs, correct performance cannot
be guaranteed.
You can play CD-Rs (CD-Recordables)/CD-RWs
(CD-ReWritables) which have been recorded only on audio devices.
You can also play CD-Rs/CD-RWs containing MP3 formatted
audio files.
Some of the following CDs may not play on this unit:
Flawed CDs, CDs with fingerprints, CDs exposed to extreme
temperatures or sunlight (e.g., left in the car or this unit), CDs
recorded under unstable conditions, CDs on which a recording failed
or a re-recording was attempted, copy-protected CDs which do not
conform to the audio CD industry standard.
Centre Hole
Centre Hole
New Disc
Transparent Sheet Disc Stabilizer

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Andere handleiding(en) van Alpine CDE-135BT

Alpine CDE-135BT Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 53 pagina's

Alpine CDE-135BT Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 53 pagina's

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