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Insert the plug into the wall socket and check that the cabinet light actually comes on
when the door is opened and goes out again when the door is nearly closed. Turn the ther-
mostat control knob, which is found on the upper right hand side of the inner liner, clock-
wise beyond position «O» (OFF) to start the appliance.
Temperature control
Temperature adjustment is obtained by turning the thermostat knob clockwise until its
pointer coincides with the required setting. A medium setting is generally the most suita-
ble. The minimum setting (least cold) is represented by position No. 1 and the maximum
setting (coldest) by position No. 6. In any case, bear in mind that the temperature can be
either increased (warmer) by turning the thermostat knob anticlockwise, or decreased
(colder) by turning it clockwise. The thermostat knob setting should be adjusted depend-
ing on the inner temperature of the refrigerator, which, in turn, depends on a number of
factors, such as: the ambient temperature, the number of times the door is opened, the
quantity of food stored and the location of the appliance.
Fresh-food refrigeration
The refrigerator compartment is suitable for cooling drinks and for normal food storing. To
obtain the best performance, do not store warm food or evaporating liquids in the refriger-
ator. Cover or wrap up food, particularly if it has a strong flavour. Do not cover the shelves
with any protective material, such as paper, cardboard or plastic, which may obstruct air-
circulation between them. To help you use the refrigerator correctly, here are some useful
hints: Raw meat (beef, pork, lamb & wild fowl): wrap in polythene bags and place in the
meat drawer or on the top shelf, immediately underneath the evaporator.
Place the meat on top of the salad crisper, this being the coldest spot in the refrigerator.
Note: Meat can only be stored safely in this way for one or two days at the most.
Cooked food, cold cuts, jelly, etc.: these should be well covered and can be stored on any
of the shelves. Fruit & vegetables: these should be thoroughly cleaned, washed and
placed in the bottom drawer. Butter & cheese: these should be placed in special airtight
containers, or wrapped in aluminium foil or plastic to exclude as much air as possible and
thus prevent them from drying up. Milk bottles: these should have a cap and should be
stored in the bottle rack on the door.
Do not leave the door of the refrigerator open longer than necessary. Frequent opening of
the door prevents the appliance reaching the selected temperatures and wastes energy

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Andere handleiding(en) van Alno AKE8218IW

Alno AKE8218IW Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 11 pagina's

Alno AKE8218IW Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

Alno AKE8218IW Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 11 pagina's

Alno AKE8218IW Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 11 pagina's

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