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Maintenance and Troubleshooting 133
Software Release 2.7.1
C613-02021-00 REV F
2. Check IPX circuit configuration
To check that the IPX circuits are correctly configured on each router repeat
steps 1 through 3 above, or enter the command:
Check that there are two circuits, and for each circuit check that the circuit
is enabled, uses the correct interface and encapsulation (for Ethernet
interfaces), the network number is correct and “On demand” is set to “no”.
If not, then repeat steps 1 through 3.
3. Contact your authorised distributor or reseller for assistance
If you still have no visible routes to the remote router, contact your
authorised distributor or reseller for assistance.
Local Workstations Can Not Access Remote Servers
A number of different events can cause this problem. The following list of
events gives the most common:
1. Move workstation to server LAN
Check that when the workstation is moved to the same LAN as the file
server, it is able to access the server. If not, the fault lies with the
configuration of the workstation or file server. Check with your Novell
network administrator.
2. Check NET.CFG file
Take care with the workstation NET.CFG file. Always specify the
encapsulation (frame) as different LAN card drivers use different default
3. Check for file server on Remote Office router
Does the file server appear in the IPX service table of the Remote Office
router? If the server does not appear in the table, its presence is not
advertised to the local LAN. To check this, enter the command:
This should produce a display like that shown in Figure 26 on page 133. The
important point is that the file server must appear in the service table on the
Remote Office router and there must be a route to the file server’s internal
network number. If there is, and it still does not work, contact your
authorised distributor or reseller for assistance.
Figure 26: Example output from the SHOW IPX SERVICES command for a basic Novell IPX network
To interpret output from the SHOW IPX SEVICES command see the Novell
IPX chapter in the Software Reference.
IPX services
Name Age
Address Server type Circuit Hops Defined
00007500:000000000001:0451 0004:Fileserver 1 (eth0) 1 SAP
00007500:000000000001:8104 0107:RCconsole 1 (eth1) 1 SAP
00000012:0080488018d8:0451 0004:FileServer 1 (ppp0) 2 SAP

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