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Users manual
Weather station with wireless outdoor sensor
Indoor unit:
1. Display:
Shows time, indoor and outdoor temperature and weather
2. SNOOZE / LIGHT button :
Snooze button for the alarm function.
Also turns on the display lighting.
3. ALARM SET button :
For checking and setting the wake-up alarm.
4. CH/+ button:
Selection button when using multiple outdoor units and
the ‘+’ button during setup.
5. MEM/- button:
Memory button when checking min and max values and
the ‘-’ button during setup.
6. DISPLAY SET button:
Function setup button.
7. °C / °F switch:
To switch the temperature display between
degrees Celsius and degrees Fahrenheit.
8. SENSOR button:
To pair the indoor unit with the outdoor unit.
9. RCC button:
To turn the DCF receiver on or off.
10. RESET button:
To restart the indoor unit in case of a (possible) error.
11. Battery compartment.
Outdoor unit:
1. Monitor-LED: Illuminates as soon as the outdoor
unit is sending measurement data to the indoor
2. Display, shows alternately the temperature and the
3. CH 1.2.3 switch:
To set the outdoor unit to a different channel.
4. RESET button: To restart the outdoor unit in case
of a (possible) error.
5. Suspension eye: Provision to suspend the outdoor
unit from a wall.
6. Battery compartment.
Power supply:
Indoor unit:
Slide down the battery cover at the rear of the unit
and insert 2 AA 1.5V batteries according to the mark-
ings inside the battery compartment. Slide the battery
cover back onto the indoor unit.
The indoor unit will now start a 1 minute scan to
search for the outdoor unit. Therefore, you’ll need to
insert the batteries into the outdoor unit within that
Outdoor unit:
Slide down the battery cover at the rear of the unit,
slide the CH switch to the position ‘1’ and insert 2 AA
1.5V batteries according to the markings inside the
battery compartment. Slide the battery cover back
onto the outdoor unit.
Weak battery warning:
As soon as the batteries of the outdoor unit become
exhausted, the symbol will illuminate on the
display of the indoor unit.
Now please replace the batteries of the outdoor unit.
The indoor unit does not provide a battery warning.
Replace the batteries of this unit as soon as the
display becomes dim or weak.
Pairing the indoor unit / outdoor unit:
As soon as you insert the batteries into the indoor
unit, the indoor unit will start a 1 minute scan to
search for the signal of the outdoor unit. Therefore,
if you insert the batteries into the outdoor unit within
that minute and the units will ‘nd’ each other, they
will be automatically paired and the display of the
indoor unit will show the temperature transmitted by
the outdoor unit.
If the units cannot be paired automatically, or after
replacing the batteries, you can pair the outdoor unit
(again) with the indoor unit as follows:
1. use a sharp object to briey press the RESET
button on the rear of the indoor unit
2. use a sharp object to briey press the RESET
button on the rear of the outdoor unit
3. the units will nd each other (again) after several
seconds and the indoor unit will display the tem-
perature transmitted by the outdoor unit.
The WS-2300 is provided with a built-in DCF
receiver which receives the DCF time signal from
Frankfurt. This signal ensures that the clock shows
the time very accurately, provided a strong enough
signal is being received.
As soon as you insert the batteries into the indoor
unit, the clock will start searching for the DCF radio
signal for the time while the antenna symbol
is ashing. After several seconds or minutes the
WS-2300 will start showing the correct time. In
extreme cases, it can take over a day before the DCF
time is shown.
If the clock cannot receive the radio signal or cannot
receive it well enough, you can set the clock manu-
ally as follows:
1. press and hold the DISPLAY SET button for
2 seconds, 12Hr or 24Hr will appear in the
2. use +/- to set the time format, then briey press
the DISPLAY SET button
3. use +/- to set the hours and then briey press the
4. use +/- to set the minutes and then briey press
the DISPLAY SET button
5. use +/- to set the seconds to 0 (this allows you to
have the clock run synchronously with your own
clock) and then briey press the DISPLAY SET
6. use +/- to set the hour difference compared to the
DCF time. E.g. for use in the Benelux select ‘0’
and then briey press the DISPLAY SET button
The clock is now set manually.
When the DCF receiver is enabled and a strong
signal is being received, the receiver will overwrite
the clock display.
Switching the DCF receiver on/off:
You can turn off the DCF receiver as follows, allow-
ing you to have only the time and date shown on the
display according to your programming:
turn off: press and hold the RCC button at the
rear of the indoor unit for 4 seconds until the
antenna symbol disappears.
You can turn the receiver back on as follows:
turn on: briey press the RCC button at the rear
of the indoor unit until the antenna symbol
starts ashing
‘DST’ in the display.
‘DST’ stands for Daylight Saving Time.
‘DST’ illuminates when the displayed time is the
daylight saving time.
1 2 3 4

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Andere handleiding(en) van Alecto WS-2300

Alecto WS-2300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Alecto WS-2300 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

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