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The Alecto FR-225 is a PMR-446 walkie-talkie.
This walkie-talkie allows you to not only com-
municate with each other free of charge, but also
with other (Alecto) walkie-talkies provided they
meet the PMR-446 standard.
I, Hesdo, hereby declare that the type of radio
equipment Alecto FR-225 conforms to Directive
2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU declaration
of conformity is available at the following internet
http://DOC.hesdo.com/ FR-225-DOC.pdf
About this users manual:
This symbol represents a warning. To
ensure safe use, always adhere to the
instructions described in this documenta-
This symbol is followed by a user’s tip.
Always check the Alecto website for the most
recent version of this user’s manual. See the ver-
sion number at the back of this user’s manual.
/ button press and hold to switch the
walkie-talkie on or off briefly
press to transmit a calling alert
button briefly press to switch the flash-
light on or off
/ button press and hold to lock the key-
pad briefly press to enter the
settings menu
/ button press and hold to switch on the
monitoring function (release this
button to disable the function
again) briefly press to switch the
channel scan on or off
button to increase or decrease the
reception volume and to select
the desired option during setup
= set transmission channel
= set subchannel
= 2-channel scan is activated
= scan function is activated
= battery indicator
= volume set to level 0 (no sound)
= keylock enabled
= ‘send’ indication / = ‘receive’ indication
The FR-225 is powered through the included
rechargeable NiMH battery pack, size 3x AAA,
voltage 1.2V.
1. First remove the belt clip by pressing the
retaining clip backwards and then press the
belt clip upwards out of the walkie-talkie.
2. Now open the battery compartment by press-
ing the tab at the bottom of the battery cover
to the left, the battery cover can then be
3. Install the batteries according to the markings
in the battery compartment.
4. Replace the battery cover onto the walkie-
talkie and slide the tab to the right to lock the
battery cover.
5. Finally, slide the belt clip back onto the walkie-
Insert the small low-voltage plug of the power
adaptor into the rear of the charging station en
plug the adaptor into a 230V 50Hz wall socket.
Place the walkie-talkies into the charging station
to recharge the batteries.
The battery icon in the upper right corner of the
display scrolls while charging ( - - - )
You may also recharge the batteries by inserting
the thin low-voltage plug of the power adaptor
directly into the right side of the walkie-talkie,
behind the rubber seal.
You may keep the walkie-talkies switched on
while charging.
You may also install normal, non-recharge-
able 1.5V AA batteries, but these cannot be
When using regular batteries, NEVER con-
nect the walkie-talkie to the charger or
power adaptor.
On top of the FR-225, behind the rubber seal,
you’ll find the connection for a headset with a
2.5mm plug. We advise you to use an Alecto
FRH-10 headset for this.
Attention: for a connections between 2
walkie-talkies, both walkie-talkies must
be set to the same channel, with the same sub-
channel. See further on in this manual how to set
the channel and subchannel.
Press and hold the button for 3 seconds to
switch the walkie-talkie on or off.
Repeatedly and briefly press the or button
to adjust the volume.
At volume level 0 (no sound), the icon appears
in the display.
Press the button on the left side of the walk-
ie-talkie to transmit. Keep this button depressed
while speaking. Talk at a normal voice volume
and approximately 3 to 5 cm from the walkie-
talkie’s microphone.
While transmitting, the send indicator appears
in the display.
Release the button to receive.
While receiving a signal, the receive indicator
appears in the display.
Press the CALL button briefly to transmit a call
alert tone. This call alert tone is adjustable, see
‘To change the call alert tone’ further on in this
Each time you press a function button (except
the button , / or ) the background
lighting of the display will illuminate. This light-
ing will automatically switch off 10 seconds after
pressing the last button
Use the LAMP button to switch on the built-in
flash light.
Press the LAMP button again to turn the light off.
This function can also be used with the walkie-
talkie switched off.
Attention: never stare directly into the shin-
ing light nor point it at other people’s eyes.
The light can be bright and cause eye damage.
When the keylock is enabled, the , , MENU
and SCAN buttons are blocked.
1. Press and hold the button until after approx.
3 seconds ‘ appears in the display
2. Press and hold the button again for 2 sec-
onds to unlock these buttons
When the VOX function is enabled (VOX = Voice
Activated Transmission), the FR-225 starts send-
ing as soon as you speak into the microphone.
To switch the VOX function on/off:
1. Press 3x the MENU button, the word “VOX”
will illuminate in the left part of the display
2. Use the buttons or to set the trigger sen-
sitivity (‘OF’ is off, ‘1’ is the lowest sensitivity,
‘3’ is the highest sensitivity)
3. Press the button to confirm
Preferably, use this function in combination with
headsets. Keep in mind that it can take over a
second after you’ve started talking before the
walkie-talkie enables the transmitter.
Use this function to disable the noise reduction,
allowing you to also listen to weak transmitters on
the current channel.
1. Press and hold the MON button for 3 seconds
to disable the noise reduction and to monitor
the channel.
2. Release the MON button to turn the noise
reduction on again.
Use the scan function to listen in on all channels
one after the other.
1. Briefly press the SCAN button to start scan-
2. Briefly press the or button to continue
scanning if you’re only receiving noise on a
certain channel.
3. When the reception of the same channel
keeps failing during the scan, you may remove
this channel from the scan by pressing and
holding the or button for 2 seconds. The
scan will resume, but the selected channel will
be skipped.
Attention, you cannot remove a channel to
which the walkie-talkie was set when the
scan was started.
The next time you initiate a channel scan,
all channels will be scanned again.
4. Press the SCAN button again to end the scan.
Charging contacts
USB port
for direct

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Andere handleiding(en) van Alecto FR-225

Alecto FR-225 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Alecto FR-225 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Alecto FR-225 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 2 pagina's

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