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The Alecto FR-06 is a PMR-446 Walkie-Talkie.
This walkie-talkie will allow you, free of charge, to
communicate with each other or with other (Alecto)
walkie-talkie users whom devices meet the PMR-446
The Alecto FR-06 complies with the European essen-
tial requirements and other relevant
provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
Please refer to our website www.
The FR-06 operates with 3 penlite batteries size AAA
1. Open the battery compartment by removing the
screw of the battery cover with a suitable phillips
2. Insert the batteries as indicated ensuring correct
polarity (+ and -).
3. Close the battery compartment and tighten the
screw of the battery cover.
Operating frequency :446MHz
Transmit power :0.5Watt
Channel spacing :12,5KHz
Power source :4,5V (3x AAA penlites)
Talk range :up to 3 kilometers
Power consumption :transmit : up to 3 hours
standby : up to 6 days
(based on using alkaline batteries and depending on
the frequency of use)
Weight :70gr. (excl. batteries)
Dimensions :100(150) x 53 x 35 mm
Conform :EN 300 296-2 V1.3.1
EN 301 489-5 V1.3.1
EN60065-1:/ +A12:2011
LED indicator
volume control key
PTT button
(PTT = Push To Talk)
on/off button
channel operation key
Power on/off:
Press and hold the . for 2 or 3 seconds. The
FR-06 will emit a beep and switch on or off.
LED indicator on : the device is on.
LED indicator off: the device is off.
To set/change a channel:
Press and hold the button to change the chan-
nel. Every channel represents a different LED color.
Channel:LED-color Channel:LED-color
1 Red 4 Purple/Lilac
2 Green 5 Light Blue
3 Dark Blue 6 White/Pink
Note: In order to talk, both walkie-talkies must be
set to the same channel
Press and hold the PTT button during transmitting.
Keep the walkie-talkie about 5cm from your mouth
and speak into the microphone.
Release the PTT button in order to receive.
The LED indicator flashes several times when a
message has been received.
Be sure that both the receiving and the transmitting
walkie-talkie are set on the same channel.
Be aware that signals can be picked up by
other people owning a walkie-talkie or recei-
ver, even if they have a different model or brand!
Receiving signals from other walkie-talkies is
therefor also possible. We advise you to choose
another channel if this is the case.
Volume control:
The FR-06 has 4 volume levels that can be set by
using the button.
The LED indicator shows different ashes indicating
the volume level that has been chosen.
Flashes 1x : level 1
Flashes 2x : level 2
Flashes 3x : level 3
Flashes 4x : level 4
The control is as follow: 1-2-3-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-3 etc.
When batteries are approaching the end of their life,
the LED indicator will slowly ash for 2,5 minutes.
After that, the light will quickly ash for 30 seconds to
nally switch off.
Replace the 3 new batteries.
The FR-06 is a receiver/transmitter using radio waves
in the 446MHz band.
Communication interference may occur through exter-
nal influences such as other walkie-talkies, transmit-
ters, mobile phones etc. If your walkie-talkie encoun-
ters or causes interference, changing channel may be
a solution.
The use of this walkie-talkie is permitted in all EU
countries. If you plan to take the FR-06 to countries
outside the EU, please check the local conditions and
restrictions concerning the use of PMR446 devices.
Be aware that the signal of the FR-06 can also be
received by other walkie-talkies or receivers and there-
fore your conversations can be heard by others.
It is forbidden to repair, adjust or modify the electro-
nics or antenna of the FR-06 in any way whatsoever.
Only qualified engineers are allowed to maintain and
service this device.
Do not use the FR-06 outdoors during a thunderstorm.
Use a damp cloth to clean the FR-06.
Do not expose the FR-06 to direct sunlight and
avoid placing it in moist environments.
Avoid moisture and/or sand to penetrate your
If the FR-06 fails to function, please check first
whether it works at a different location.
The optimal range has a coverage up to 3 kilometers.
This range depends on the local circumstances such
as the presence of high buildings, high-voltage lines
or overhead wires. An optimal talk range occurs in flat,
open areas.
When discarding the walkie-talkie, please return it
to your supplier. They will dispose of it in an envi-
ronmental responsible manner.
Do not dispose of empty or used batteries in normal
domestic waste but enter them into a recycling sche-
me or return them to your supplier.
Alecto warrants the FR-06 to be free from defects in
material or construction under normal use and service,
for 24 Months from the date of purchase. Alecto will,
at it’s sole option, repair any components that fail in
normal use. Such repairs will be made at no charge to
the costumer.
How to act:
If the device malfunctions, please first consult the
manual. If that doesn’t solve the problem, visit our
website: www.alecto.info or call our service depart-
ment: +31 (0)73 6411 355 (The Netherlands), +32
(0)3238 5666 (Belgium) or via internet www.alecto.nl
Defects or failures due to: improper handling and
abuse, incorrect connection, leaking and/or wrongly
placed batteries, use of non OEM parts or acces-
sories, unauthorized alternations, modifications and/
or repairs made by third parties, unsuitable packaging
during transport, neglect and defects caused by
dampness, fire, flooding, lightning strokes and natural
If this device is not accompanied by this warranty cer-
tificate and the original purchase receipt, the guaran-
tee will be considered invalid.
Excluded from this warranty are the batteries, antenna
and any further liability, in particular for any conse-
quential damages.
FR-06 GB

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Andere handleiding(en) van Alecto FR-06

Alecto FR-06 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Français - 2 pagina's

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