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Connect the supplied power
adapter with moidel number
CYHA050100VWEU to the
backside of the baby-uniut,
as shown on the drawing.
Put the adapter in a 230V
mains socket.
When used as a baby monitor:
Make sure the baby cannot reach
the baby unit or wire. Place the
baby unit at least 1 to 1,5 meters
away from the baby and you can
bundle cables that are too long with tape or cable ties availa-
ble specically for this purpose.
Drill two holes next to each other in the wall, separated by a
distance of 3,2cm and insert plugs and screws. The head of
the screw should stick out of the wall for several millimeters.
Slide the foot of the baby unit over the screws and then press
the baby unit a little downwards.
Tips for placement:
For use as a baby monitor: place the baby unit at least 2 meters
away from your baby and make sure to safely tuck away the adapter
For optimal range, it is advisable to set up the baby unit as high as
possible, free from large metal surfaces.
The temperature protrudes from the rear of the baby unit. Make sure
this sensor hangs freely, unexposed to direct sunlight and avoid heat
from e.g. light bulbs.
The baby unit is not waterproof. When using outdoors, make sure to
protect the baby unit against moisture and sand.
Switch : slide down to switch
on the baby unit, slide up to switch o
Press briey to register the baby unit on
the parent unit. See the related instructions
further on in this manual.
While using the parent unit, the following symbols may appear
in the display:
Signal strength:
In the upper left corner, the signal strength is indicated:
strong reception
good reception
average reception
poor reception
no reception
sound is enabled
Attention, this doesn’t indicate the set volume
sound is disabled (volume set to 0)
Attention, when disabling the sound while the VOX
function is active (for this, see ‘menu operated
functions’), the speaker symbol will keep indicating that
the sound is enabled
playback of the lullabies is enabled, the digit indicates the
song number (1-4)
Feeding timer:
the feeding timer is enabled, the countdown time is shown
in the lower right corner of the screen
Temperature alert:
the temperature alert is enabled
(‘22’ is an example)
Indicates the temperature in the room where the baby unit
is situated; take into account a possible tolerance of ± 1.5
23:07:25 (‘23:07:25’ is an example)
The time is displayed in the upper right corner of the screen.
See the section ‘Settings / Time’ to adjust this time setting.
Next to the camera indication, the battery capacity is shown:
battery full
battery 2/3 full
battery 1/3 full
and ashing red: battery nearly exhausted, the parent unit
may switch o at any moment,
When the battery is almost empty, each minute a series of
alert tones will sound for approximately 20 to 30 minutes.
In this case immediately connect the adaptor, otherwise the
adaptor may switch o within this time limit.
Zoom function:
the zoom function is enabled.
Switching on/o:
Slide switch down to power-on the
Baby-unit. The indicator will illuminate.
Slide this switch up to power-o the
Baby-unit. The indicator will turn o.
Automatic night vision:
The baby unit is provided with built-in infra-red LEDs; these
LEDs will switch on automatically when the baby room turns
dark and will switch of again when it becomes light.
The LEDs can illuminate objects up to a distance of
approximately 3-5 meters.
When it’s dark, that is when the night vision LEDs are
switched on, the images on the parent unit will be
displayed in black and white.
Attention: infra-red light cannot be perceived by the
human eye; that means you cannot tell whether the
infra-red LEDs are switched on with the naked eye.
Switching on/o:
Press and hold button for 3 seconds to switch the parent
unit on or o.
button +/-
Repeatedly and briey press the +/- buttons to adjust the
During setup the screen will indicate the volume level (volume
0 = sound o).
As an additional reminder, the
symbol appears when the
sound is disabled.
To talk back:
Press the button to talk back to your baby. Keep the button
depressed for as long as you’re speaking and release the
button to listen.
The volume at the side of the baby unit is xed and cannot be
While using the talk-back function, the icon appears
in the screen.
Display o (parent sleep mode):
If the display brightness of the parent unit on your bedside
table is bothering you at night, you may switch o the display
by pressing the button. The sound remains enabled.
Briey press a random button to switch the display back on.
See the section ‘VOX’ to automatically switch o the
screen + sound when the baby is sleeping and to
switch them on again as soon as the baby starts crying
ZOOM: (enlarging)
Briey press the button to zoom in. Briey press the
button again to restore the normal view.
The zoom symbol appears in the upper right corner of the
screen when this function is enabled.
Open the menu by briey pressing the button.
Use the navigation button , , or to select the desired
option. Press the OK button to open the selected option.
1. Briey press the button, use , , or to select the
‘Lullabies’ option and press the OK button
2. Use the , , or button to select the desired lullaby or
select ‘All’ to repeatedly play all lullabies and press the OK
3. Press 2x the button to leave the menu and to return to
the normal screen or wait for 10 seconds until this happens
Playback of the lullabies is stopped automatically after
approximately 20 minutes. You may also open the
menu and select STOP to stop playing the songs earlier.
At the bottom of the menu you also have the option to
adjust the playback volume of the lullabies at the baby
Keep in mind that the sound of the lullaby is returned to
the parent unit via the microphone of the baby unit. In
this case, you may want to set the sound of the parent unit to
level 0 (= sound o).
As soon as and for as long the lullabies are being
played, the symbol appears at the top in the display.
The Alecto DVM-140 is a wireless audio / video observation
system, suitable for private use indoors.
You can either watch and listen continuously or you can
have the baby monitor switch on.
Before you start using the set, rst remove any protective
foil from the parent and baby unit.
About this users manual:
This symbol represents a warning. To ensure safe use,
always adhere to the instructions described in this
This symbol is followed by a user’s tip.
Always check the Alecto website for the most recent version of
this user’s manual.
Hereby, Hesdo declares that the radio equipment type Alecto
DVM-140 is in compliance with directive 2014/53/EU. The
full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the
following internet address:
http://DOC.hesdo.com/ DVM-140-DOC.pdf
Use of this equipment is allowed in all countries of the EU. In
France, Italy, Russia and Ukraine, only indoor use is allowed.
(on the upper side of the parent unit)
Press and hold for 3 seconds to switch the parent unit
on or o.
During use: Press briey 1x to switch o the display,
press again to switch the display back on.
Press briey to access the menu.
After opening the menu: Press briey 1x to go back one
During use as a monitor: No function.
After opening the menu: press briey and repeatedly
to select the desired setting.
After opening the menu: Press briey 1x to conrm the
selected setting.
Press briey to somewhat enlarge the image (zoom in),
press again to restore the normal view.
press and hold to talk back to the baby.
(on the right side of the parent-unit)
press briey and repeatedly to increase or decrease the
Power supply:
The parent unit can be powered directly by the included re-
chargeable battery or via the supplied power adapter. As soon
as you connect the power adapter, it will charge the battery
allowing for mobile use of the parent unit.
Open the battery compartment by sliding o the battery cover
at the rear of the unit. Install the supplied battery and slide the
battery cover back onto the parent unit.
Never install the battery by force. Only install the supplied
rechargeable Lithium battery (NV604464, 3.7V 1800mAh).
Power adapter:
Connect the supplied power
adapter with moidel number
CYHA050150VWEU on the
side of the parent unit and
insert the adapter into a
230V wall socket.
Make sure that the adaptor cable doesn’t cause a tripping
or falling risk. Bundle cables that are too long with tape or
cable-ties available specically for this purpose.
Parent unit table stand:
You may place the parent unit onto a table or cabinet by using
the stand at the rear of the device.
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Andere handleiding(en) van Alecto DVM-140

Alecto DVM-140 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Alecto DVM-140 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Alecto DVM-140 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 2 pagina's

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