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Talk back into the baby unit:
Press the button on the parent unit to talk into the baby unit.
Keep this button pressed down while talking and let go
when you want to listen.
The volume of the baby unit is set and cannot be changed.
Temperature Display:
The display of the parent unit will show the temperature that is
measured by the baby unit. Please note that the temperature is
only indicative with a tolerance of +/- 2 ° C.
Press C / F to switch between Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F).
If the measured temperature exceeds 32°C, the sign “HH” will appear on the dis-
play. At temperatures below 15° C the sign “LL” will appear in the display. Note that
the temperature sensor needs up to 24 hours to display the room temperature.
The DBX -20 has no function to set a maximum or minimum temperature at which
an alarm sounds when the baby’s room too cold or too hot.
Battery Charging / Battery Indication:
The operating time of the parent unit on a fully charged battery pack is approxima-
tely 10 to 12 hours (depending on the use of the baby monitor and the condition
of the batteries).
Once the parent unit switched on, the display will show the battery capacity:
: The battery is full
: The battery is suciently full
: The battery is almost empty, charging required
: The battery is empty, parent unit will switch o
Just before the parent unit shuts down due to low battery, several beep tones
will sound as a warning.
Recharging the battery takes about 6 hours. During charging, you can use the
baby monitor as normal.
The electrical charging current is automatically limited. This means you can leave
the power adapter connected continuously without risk of overcharging.
button C/F

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