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There are no express warranties, whether written, oral or implied,
other than this printed limited warranty or the mandatory warranty
provided by your jurisdiction. In no event shall TCL Communication
Ltd. or any of its affiliates be liable for incidental or consequential
damages of any nature whatsoever, including but not limited to
commercial loss, to the full extent those damages can be disclaimed
by law. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of
incidental or consequential damages, or limitation of the duration of
implied warranties, so the preceding limitations or exclusions may
not apply to you.
How to obtain Support: In United States please call, (855) 368-0829
or go to www.alcatelonetouch.us for technical support. In Canada
please call, (855) 844-6058 or go to www.alcatelonetouch.ca for
technical support. We have placed many self-help tools that may
help you to isolate the problem and eliminate the need to send your
wireless device in for service. In the case that your wireless device is
no longer covered by this limited warranty due to time or condition,
you may utilize our out of warranty repair options.
How to obtain Hardware Service within the terms of this warranty:
Create a user profile (alcatel.finetw.com) and then create an RMA
for the defective device. Ship the device with a copy of the original
proof of purchase (e.g. original copy of the dated bill of sale, invoice)
with the owner’s return address (No PO Boxes accepted), wireless
carrier’s name, alternate daytime phone number, and email address
with a complete problem description. Only ship the device. Do
not ship the SIM card, memory cards, or any other accessories
such as the power adapter. You must properly package and ship the
wireless device to the repair center. TCL Communication Ltd. is not
responsible for devices that do not arrive at the service center or
are damaged in transit. Insurance is recommended with proof of
delivery. Upon receipt, the service center will verify the warranty
conditions, repair, and return your device to the address provided in
the RMA. Check the warranty repair status by going online with the
RMA number on web portal.
Before contacting the service center you are advised to follow the
instructions below:
• You are advised to fully charge (
) the battery for optimal
• Avoid storing large amounts of data in your phone as this may
affect its performance.
• Use Factory data reset and Mobile Upgrade tool to perform
phone formatting or software upgrading (to reset factory data,
hold down the Power key and the Volume up key at the
same time when powered off). ALL User phone data: contacts,
photos, messages and files, downloaded applications will be lost
permanently. It is strongly advised to fully backup the phone data
and profile via Smart Suite before doing formatting and upgrading.
and carry out the following checks:
My phone cannot be switched on or is frozen
• If the phone cannot be switched on, charge it for at least 20
minutes to ensure the minimum battery power needed, then try
to switch on again.
• If the phone falls into a loop during power on-off animation and
the user interface cannot be accessed, press and hold the Volume
down key to enter Safe Mode. This eliminates any abnormal OS
booting issues caused by 3rd party APKs.
• If neither method is effective, please reset the phone using the
Power key and the Volume up key (holding both together) or
upgrade software via Mobile Upgrade tool.
My phone has not responded for several minutes
• Restart your phone by pressing and holding the Power key.
• Remove the battery and re-insert it, then restart the phone
• If it still does not work, please use Factory data reset to reset the
phone or FOTA/Mobile Upgrade to upgrade software.
My phone turns off by itself
• Check that your screen is locked when you are not using your
phone, and make sure the Power key is not accidentally contacted
while the screen is unlocked.
• Check the battery charge level.
• If it still does not work, please use Factory data reset to reset the
phone or FOTA/Mobile Upgrade to upgrade software.

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