Pagina terug
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3 4
11.4 Audio profiles ...........................................................................................126
11.5 Display ........................................................................................................127
11.6 Location .....................................................................................................128
11.7 Security ......................................................................................................130
11.8 Applications ..............................................................................................132
11.9 Accounts & sync ......................................................................................135
11.10 Privacy ........................................................................................................136
11.11 SD card & phone storage ......................................................................137
11.12 Language & keyboard .............................................................................138
11.13 Voice input & output ..............................................................................142
11.14 Accessibility .............................................................................................144
11.15 Date & time ..............................................................................................144
11.16 Schedule power on/off ...........................................................................145
11.17 About phone ............................................................................................145
12 Making the most of your phone ....................................147
12.1 Android Manager.....................................................................................147
12.2 ONE TOUCH Upgrade .........................................................................148
13 Telephone warranty ........................................................149
14 Accessories ......................................................................151
15 Troubleshooting ..............................................................152
16 Specifications ...................................................................157
This product meets applicable national SAR limits of 2.0 W/kg.
The specific maximum SAR values can be found on page 7 of this
user guide.
When carrying the product or using it while worn on your
body, either use an approved accessory such as a holster or
otherwise maintain a distance of 1.5 cm from the body to
ensure compliance with RF exposure requirements. Note
that the product may be transmitting even if you are not
making a phone call.
Safety and use ..............................
We recommend that you read this chapter carefully before using your phone. The manufacturer
disclaims any liability for damage, which may result as a consequence of improper use or use
contrary to the instructions contained herein.
Given that studies show that using a mobile phone while driving a vehicle constitutes a real risk,
even when the hands-free kit is used (car kit, headset...), drivers are requested to refrain from using
their mobile when the vehicle is not parked.
When driving, do not use your phone and headphone to listen to music or to the radio. Using a
headphone can be dangerous and forbidden in some areas.
When switched on, your phone emits electromagnetic waves that can interfere with the vehicle’s
electronic systems such as ABS anti-lock brakes or airbags. To ensure that there is no problem:
- do not place your phone on top of the dashboard or within an airbag deployment area,
- check with your car dealer or the car manufacturer to make sure that the dashboard is adequately
shielded from mobile phone RF energy.
You are advised to switch off the telephone from time to time to optimise its performance.
Switch the phone off before boarding an aircraft.
Switch the phone off when you are in health care facilities, except in designated areas. As with many
other types of equipment now in regular use, mobile telephones can interfere with other electrical
or electronic devices, or equipment using radio frequency.
Switch the phone off when you are near gas or flammable liquids. Strictly obey all signs and
instructions posted in a fuel depot, petrol station, or chemical plant, or in any potentially explosive
When the phone is switched on, it should be kept at least 15 cm from any medical device such as a
pacemaker, a hearing aid or insulin pump, etc. In particular when using the phone, you should hold
it against the ear on the opposite side to the device, if any.
To avoid hearing impairment, pick up the call before holding your phone to your ear. Also move
the handset away from your ear while using the “hands-free” mode because the amplified volume
might cause hearing damage.
Do not let children use the phone and/or play with the telephone and accessories without
When replacing the cover please note that your phone may contain substances that could create
an allergic reaction.
Always handle your phone with care and keep it in a clean and dust-free place.
Do not allow your phone to be exposed to adverse weather or environmental conditions
(moisture, humidity, rain, infiltration of liquids, dust, sea air, etc). The manufacturer’s recommended
operating temperature range is -10°C to +55°C.
At over 55°C the legibility of the phone’s display may be impaired, though this is temporary and
not serious.

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  • Hallo,
    Ik heb een Alcatel One Touch Pixi en kan mijn sms berichten niet openen en ook geen nieuw sms bericht aanmaken. Ik krijg dan als melding 'Toestemming geweigerd. U kunt dit wijzigen in Instellingen > Apps'. Maar ik krijg het niet voor elkaar om mijn sms berichten te openen of om een nieuw bericht aan te maken. Wat moet ik doen zodat dit weer wel kan? Gesteld op 22-2-2017 om 11:05

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Andere handleiding(en) van Alcatel One Touch 903D

Alcatel One Touch 903D Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 21 pagina's

Alcatel One Touch 903D Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 81 pagina's

Alcatel One Touch 903D Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 81 pagina's

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