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My phone cannot charge properly
Make sure you are using an ALCATEL ONE TOUCH battery and the
charger from the box
Clean the battery contact if it’s dirty.
Make sure your battery is inserted properly before plugging in the charger.
Make sure that your battery is not completely discharged; if the battery
power is empty for a long time, it may take around 20 minutes to display
the battery charger indicator on the screen
Make sure charging is carried out under normal conditions (0°C to +40°C)
When abroad, check that the voltage input is compatible
My phone cannot connect to a network or “No service” is displayed
Try connecting in another location
Verify the network coverage with your operator
Check with your operator that your SIM card is valid
Try selecting the available network(s) manually (see page 51)
Try connecting at a later time if the network is overloaded
My phone cannot connect to the Internet
Check that the IMEI number (press *#06# ) is the same as the one printed
on your warranty card or box
Make sure that the internet access service of your SIM card is available
Check your phone's Internet connecting settings
Make sure you are in a place with network coverage
Try connecting at a later time or another location
Invalid SIM card
Make sure the SIM card has been correctly inserted (see page 12)
Make sure the chip on your SIM card is not damaged or scratched
Make sure the service of your SIM card is available
Unable to make outgoing calls
Make sure you have dialed a valid number and press the
For international calls, check the country and area codes
Make sure your phone is connected to a network, and the network is not
overloaded or unavailable
Check your subscription status with your operator (credit, SIM card valid,
Make sure you have not barred outgoing calls (see page 49)
Make sure that your phone is not in flight mode
Unable to receive incoming calls
Make sure your phone is switched on and connected to a network (check
for overloaded or unavailable network)
Check your subscription status with your operator (credit, SIM card valid,
Make sure you have not forwarded incoming calls (see page 49)
Make sure that you have not barred certain calls
Make sure that your phone is not in flight mode
The caller’s name/number does not appear when a call is received
Check that you have subscribed to this service with your operator
Your caller has concealed his/her name or number
I cannot find my contacts
Make sure your SIM card is not broken
Make sure your SIM card is inserted properly
Import all contacts stored in SIM card to phone
The sound quality of the calls is poor
You can adjust the volume during a call by pressing the
Check the network strength
Make sure that the receiver, connector or speaker on your phone is clean

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Andere handleiding(en) van Alcatel One Touch 668

Alcatel One Touch 668 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Uw handleiding is per email verstuurd. Controleer uw email

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Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

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