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This warranty shall not apply to defects to your phone and/or accessory
due to (without any limitation):
1) Non-compliance with the instructions for use or installation, or with
technical and safety standards applicable in the geographical area
where your phone is used,
2) Connection to any equipment not supplied or not recommended by
TCT Mobile Limited,
3) Modification or repair performed by individuals not authorised by
TCT Mobile Limited or its affiliates or your vendor,
4) Inclement weather, lightning, fire, humidity, infiltration of liquids
or foods, chemical products, download of files, crash, high voltage,
corrosion, oxidation…
Your phone will not be repaired in case labels or serial numbers (IMEI)
have been removed or altered.
There are no express warranties, whether written, oral or implied, other
than this printed limited warranty or the mandatory warranty provided by
your country or jurisdiction.
In no event shall TCT Mobile Limited or any of its affiliates be liable for
indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any nature whatsoever,
including but not limited commercial or financial loss or damage, loss of
data or loss of image to the full extent those damages can be disclaimed
by law.
Some countries/states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of indirect,
incidental or consequential damages, or limitation of the duration of
implied warranties, so the preceding limitations or exclusions may not
apply to you.
The latest generation of ALCATEL ONE TOUCH GSM mobile phones
offers a built-in handsfree feature that allows you to use the telephone
from a distance, placed on a table for example. For those who prefer to
keep their conversations confidential, an earpiece is also available known
as the headset.
1. Charger
2. Battery
3. USB cable
4. Stereo headset
Only use your telephone with ALCATEL ONE TOUCH batteries,
chargers and accessories in your box.
Images for reference only.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Alcatel One Touch 2010D

Alcatel One Touch 2010D Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Alcatel One Touch 2010D Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 63 pagina's

Alcatel One Touch 2010D Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 39 pagina's

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