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- ENGLISH - Power hedge trimmer 165 / 166 / 167
Instruction manual
Original instructions
Caution! Prior to operating the unit, please
read the owner’s manual carefully, and most
importantly, observe all safety rules.
Observe the maintenance guidelines closely to
ensure the long service life of your equipment.
Your dealer will be glad to assist you with any
EC declaration of conformity Î The EC
declaration of conformity on a separate piece of
paper forms part of these operating instructions.
Packaging and disposal
Please keep the original packaging in order to
protect the equipment against transport damage in
case you ever need to ship it or transport it. If the
packaging materials are no longer required then
they must be disposed of properly in accordance
with applicable local regulations. Cardboard
packaging materials are raw materials which can
be recycled or reused.
At the end of the equipment’s service life, please
make sure that you dispose of it properly, in
accordance with the official directives and
regulations that apply in your area
In the best interest of continued technological
progress we reserve the right to change the design
and configuration of any product without prior
For that reason, no claims can be accepted with
reference to text and illustrations in this manual
Most importantly:
In order to achieve an
exceptionally high quality
cut, the cutting blades are
extremely sharp.
Î Never allow the cutting blades to come into
contact with an unprotected part of the body –
not even when the cutting blades are
The following symbols are used in this manual and
on the product:
Thoroughly read these operating
instructions before undertaking any
maintenance, installation and cleaning
Wear ear defenders and a face shield
before starting the engine
Wear protective gloves when handling
and working with the equipment
Wear solid shoes, preferably safety
shoes with a good tread
Always handle this power tool with
particular care
Immediately pull the mains plug from its
socket if the supply cable or extension
cable are damaged
Never use this power tool in the rain
Electrical equipment must not be
disposed of as normal domestic waste.
Ensure that the device and all electrical
accessories are disposed of or recycled
at an official disposal or recycling facility
for electrical equipment.
Type plate
a: Type designation
b: Serial number
c: Build year
d: Double-insulated
Elektrische Heckenschere 165
Art.No.: 127303
Serial No.: G240 2407
AL-KO Geräte GmbH
Ichenhauser Str. 14
D-89359 Kötz

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