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Safety instructions
Danger - risk of injury!
Safety and protective devices must not
be disabled!
The user is responsible for accidents involving other
persons and their property.
Safety instructions for battery and charger
Danger - risk of re and explosion!
Do not open the device. (only when dispos-
ing of the rechargeable battery) There is
a danger of a short circuit.
Use only original chargers from the
Do not throw the device into an open re
Protect the device from heat and direct
Check the housing, plug and cable for damage
each time the charger is used. Do not use the
device if it is damaged.
Do not open the charger! Replace the charger in
the event of a defect.
Protect the device, battery and charger from
moisture. Only charge indoors.
Incorrect use can cause uid to escape from the
battery. In case of contact, thoroughly rinse with
water, and immediately see a doctor in case of
contact with eyes.
Safety instructions for operating
Danger - risk of injury!
Unintentional start-up can lead to severe injuries.
Danger - risk of injury!
The blades continue to run after the motor has
been switched off!
Children and persons who are not familiar with
these operating instructions are not permitted to
use the device
Do not operate the device when under the inuence
of alcohol, drugs or medication.
Prior to each use, check the device and battery
charger for damage and have damaged parts
Take any foreign bodies out of the working area
before use.
Wear suitable work clothing:
Protective goggles
Long trousers
Robust, non-slip footwear
Ensure that you have a sound footing when working.
Keep other persons away from dangerous areas.
Keep body, body parts and clothing away from
the cutter area.
Only work when there is adequate daylight or
articial lighting.
Move the device away from the body when working.
Only remove cuttings when the motor is at
a standstill.
Never leave the device unattended when it is ready
for operation.
Check, after contact with foreign bodies, for dam-
age to the rechargeable grass and shrub cutter.
In the event of of serious damage, take the device
to a AL-KO service centre.
Charge the battery
Danger - risk of re and explosion!
The charging device becomes warm when
charging. Do not operate the device on an easily
ammable ground or in a ammable environment.
The device handle can become warm during the
charging process. This is normal.
The battery in the device is partially charged! Fully
charge the battery before using it for the rst time.
Do not use the device when charging.
The battery can be charged in any state
of charge. Interrupting the charging process
does not adversely affect the battery.

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