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English - 22 -
Safety Information
WARNING: Never let people (including
children) with reduced physical, sensory or
mental capabilities or lack of experience and / or
knowledge use electrical devices unsupervised.
Please read the following recommended safety
precautions carefully for your safety.
Power:Always use the provided AC adaptor.
Operate only from the power source specied on
the AC adaptor.
The power adaptor may become hot during normal
operation. This is not malfunction.
Please make sure that the adaptor is not covered
while in operation. Leave a space of 15 cm
(minimum) around the AC adaptor.
The rating information and safety caution of the AC
adaptor are provided on the adaptor.
WARNING: When the set is not in use for a long time,
disconnect from the power.
For ventilation purposes, leave a free space of at
least 10 cm all around the set.
•Do not block ventilation holes.
•Do not place the TV on sloping or unstable surfaces,
the TV may tip over.
Use this device in moderate climates.
The power cord plug should be easily accessible. Do
not place the TV, furniture, etc. on the power cord.
A damaged power cord/plug can cause re or give
you an electric shock. Handle the power cord by the
plug, do not unplug the TV by pulling the power cord.
Never touch the power cord/plug with wet hands
as this could cause a short circuit or electric shock.
Never make a knot in the power cord or tie it with
other cords. When damaged it must be replaced, this
should only be done by qualied personnel.
•Do not use this TV in a humid or damp place. Do
not expose the TV to liquids. If any liquid falls into
the cabinet unplug the TV and have it checked by
qualied personnel before operating it any further.
•Do not expose the TV to direct sunlight or other
heat sources.
The TV should not be placed near to open
ames or sources of intense heat such as
an electric heater.
Excessive sound pressure from earphones
and headphones can cause hearing loss.
Ensure that no open ame sources, such
as lit candles, are placed on top of the TV.
To prevent injury, this TV must be securely
attached to the wall in accordance with the
installation instructions (if the option is available).
Occasionally, a few non-active pixels may appear
on the screen as a xed blue, green or red point.
Please note that this does not affect the performance
of your product. Take care not to scratch the screen
with ngernails or other hard objects.
Before cleaning, unplug the TV from the wall socket.
Only use a soft, dry cloth while cleaning.
Serious injury or death risk
Risk of electric shock
Dangerous voltage risk
Injury or property damage risk
Operating the system correctly
Additional notes marked
Warning: Risk of exposure to radiation from
class 1/class 3b visible and invisible laser beams.
Do not open the TV and stare directly into beam.
Warning: Risk of electric shock, do not attempt
to repair, service or modify this TV yourself. Contact
the manufacturer, their approved service agent.
If there is lightning or storms, or if the TV is not
going to be used for a while (e.g. if going away
on holiday), disconnect the TV set from the
mains. The mains plug is used to disconnect
TV set from the mains and therefore it must
remain readily operable.
The exclamation point within an equilateral
triangle is intended to alert the user to
the presence of important operating and
maintenance (servicing) instructions in the
literature accompanying the appliance.
IMPORTANT - Please read these instructions fully before installing or operating
Note : Follow the on screen instructions for operating the
related features.
To operate your TV in extreme ambient conditions
may cause the damage of the device.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Akai ALED2409TWE

Akai ALED2409TWE Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 21 pagina's

Akai ALED2409TWE Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 22 pagina's

Akai ALED2409TWE Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 21 pagina's

Akai ALED2409TWE Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 21 pagina's

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