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English - 45 -
Remote controlled colour LED TV.
Fully integrated Terrestrial digital-cable TV (DVB-T
HDMI connectors for digital video and audio.
USB input.
1000 programmes (analogue+digital).
On Screen Display (OSD) menu system.
Integrated tuner DVB-T, MPEG2 compatible.
Scart socket for external devices.
Stereo sound system. (German+Nicam)
Teletext, fastext, TOP text.
Headphone connection.
Automatic programming system.
Forward or backward manual tuning.
Sleep timer / Child lock.
Automatic sound mute when no transmission.
NTSC playback.
AVL (Automatic Volume Limiting).
Auto power down.
PLL (Frequency Search).
PC input.
Plug&Play for Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista,
Windows 7.
Game Mode.
Thank you for choosing this product. This manual
will guide you through the proper operation of your
TV. Before operating the TV, please read this manual
thoroughly. Please keep this manual in a safe place
for future reference.
This device is intended to receive and display TV
programmes. The different connection options make
an additional expansion of the reception and display
sources possible (receiver, DVD player, DVD recorder,
VCR, PC etc.).
This device is only suitable for dry indoor use. This
appliance is intended solely for private domestic use
and may not be used for industrial and commercial
purposes. We exclude liability in principle, if the device
is not used as intended, or unauthorized modications
have been made. To operate your LED TV in extreme
ambient conditions may cause the damage of the
For ventilation, leave a free space of at least 10 cm
all around the set. To prevent any fault and unsafe
situations, please do not place any objects on top of
the set. Use this device in moderate climates.
Safety Precautions
Read the following recommended safety
precautions carefully.
Always use the provided AC adaptor.
Operate only from the power source specied on
the AC adaptor.
The power adaptor may become hot during normal
operation. This is not a malfunction.
Please make sure that the adaptor is not covered
while in operation. Leave a space of 15 cm
(minimum) around the AC adaptor.
The rating information and safety caution of the AC
adaptor are provided on the adaptor.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Akai ALED1907TBK

Akai ALED1907TBK Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 44 pagina's

Akai ALED1907TBK Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 42 pagina's

Akai ALED1907TBK Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 45 pagina's

Akai ALED1907TBK Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 44 pagina's

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