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English - 46 -
The transmission speed differs depending on the
distance and number of obstructions between the
transmission products, the conguration of these
products, the radio wave conditions, the line trafc
and the products that you use. The transmission may
also be cut off or may get disconnected depending
on the radio wave conditions, DECT phones or any
other WiFi 11b appliances. The standard values of
the transmission speed are the theoretical maximum
values for the wireless standards. They are not the
actual speeds of data transmission.
The location where the transmission is most effective
differs depending on the usage environment.
The Wireless feature of TV supports 802.11 a,b,g &
n type modems. It is highly recommended that you
should use the IEEE 802.11n communication protocol
in order to avoid any possible problems while watching
You must change your modem’s SSID when there are
any other modems around with the same SSID. You
can encounter connection problems otherwise. Use
a wired connection if you experience problems with a
wireless connection.
Open the Network Settings menu and select Network
Type as Wireless Device to start connection process.
Press the Yellow button to scan the wireless networks.
A list of available networks will be displayed. Please
select your desired network from the list.
Note: If the modem supports N mode, you should set
N mode settings.
If the selected network is protected with a password,
please enter the correct key by using the virtual
keyboard. You can use this keyboard via the navigation
buttons and the OK button on the remote control.
Wait until the IP address is shown on the screen.
This means that the connection is now established. To
disconnect from a wireless network, highlight Network
Type and press OK.
You can navigate between menu tabs by pressing left/
right buttons. The help bar on the bottom of the dialog
shows features that you may use. Press the Blue
button to check your internet connection speed. Press
the Green button to switch to advanced mode and then
press the OK button to edit settings.
Other Information
Configuration Status: Displays Wi-Fi status as
Connected or Not Connected.
IP Address: Displays the current IP address.
Network Name: Connected networks’ name will be
Saved proles will be deleted if you press the Red button
while the wireless device selection OSD is on the screen.
Connecting to your mobile device via WiFi
If your mobile device has WiFi feature, you can connect
it to your TV via a router, in order to access the content
in your device. For this, your mobile device must have
an appropriate sharing software.
Connect to your router following the steps stated above
in the Wireless Connectivity section.
Afterwards, engage your mobile device with the router
and then activate the sharing software on your mobile
device. Then, select les that you want to share with
your TV.
If the connection is established correctly, you will be
able to access the shared les from your mobile device
via the Media Browser of your TV.
Enter the Media Browser menu and the playback
device selection OSD will be displayed. Select your
mobile device and press the OK button to continue.
If available, you can download a virtual remote
controller application from the server of your mobile
device application provider.
Note: This feature may not be supported on all mobile
Wireless Display is a standard for streaming video and
sound content by Wi-Fi Alliance. This feature provides
the ability to use your TV as wireless display device.
Using Miracast
Miracast is a wireless display standard which enables
sharing of screens including graphical, video and
audio content between your mobile device and TV.
Plug the wireless USB dongle to TV rst, if the TV
doesn’t have internal WiFi feature.
Then press the Source button on the remote and
switch to Wireless Display source.
A screen appears stating that the TV is ready for
Open the sharing application on your mobile device.
These applications are named differently for each
brand, please refer to the instruction manual of your
mobile device for detailed information.
Scan for devices. After you select your TV and
connect, the screen of your device will be displayed
on your TV.
Note: This feature can be used only if the mobile
device supports Miracast. Scanning and connecting
processes differ according to the programme you
use. Android based mobile devices should have the
software version V4.2 and above.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Akai AL4275SMART

Akai AL4275SMART Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 26 pagina's

Akai AL4275SMART Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 27 pagina's

Akai AL4275SMART Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 29 pagina's

Akai AL4275SMART Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 26 pagina's

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