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Care and maintenance
Occasional care and maintenance of the unit and the software
are needed to optimize the performance of your unit.
To clean the cabinet
Use a soft and dry cloth. If the unit surfaces are extremely
dirty, use a soft cloth lightly moistened with mild detergent
solution. Do not use strong solvents such as alcohol, benzine
or thinner.
To clean the tape heads
Dirty tape heads cause sound deterioration. After every 10
hours of use, clean the tape heads with a head cleaning
cassette. Refer to the instructions of the cleaning cassette.
To demagnetize the tape heads
Use a demagnetizing cassette after every 20 to 30 hours of
use. Refer to the instructions of the demagnetizing cassette.
Care of CDs
When a CD becomes dirty, wipe it from the center out with a
cleaning cloth. After playing a CD, store it in its case. Do not
keep it in hot or humid places.
Care of tapes
Store tapes in their cases after use. Do not leave tapes near
magnets, motors, television sets, or any source of magnetism.
Do not expose tapes to direct sunlight, or leave them in a car
parked in direct sunlight.
If your unit fails to perform properly, check the following guide
and the relevant sections of the Operating Instructions.
There is no sound.
Are the speakers and AC power cord connected properly?
The unit shut off suddenly.
Possibly a short circuit in the speaker terminals. Disconnect
the AC power cord from the AC power outlet and re-connect
the speaker cords correctly.
The unit blacks out when the unit is turned off.
Is ECO mode set to on?
Erroneous display.
•Reset the unit.
Poor radio reception.
Check antenna connection. Adjust the antenna to find the
best reception.
Move unit and antenna away from other electric appliances
and cords.
The tape does not run.
Is the deck in pause?
Poor tape sound.
Check for dirty heads. Clean them if needed.
Use type I (normal) tapes.
Cannot record.
Is the erasure prevention tab of the tape broken off? If so,
cover the detection slot with adhesive tape.
The CD player works poorly.
Is the disc correctly loaded?
Is the disc dirty?
Is the lens affected by condensation? If so, wait
approximately one hour and try again.
Resetting the unit
If an unusual condition occurs in the display window or the
cassette deck, reset the unit as follows:
1Press POWER to turn off the power.
If the power cannot be turned off, disconnect the AC power
cord, then plug it in again.
2 Hold down s and press POWER.
Everything stored in memory after purchase is cleared.
Moisture may form on the CD pickup lens when:
The unit is moved from a cold spot to a warm spot
The heating system has just been turned on
The unit is used in a very humid room
The unit is cooled by an air conditioner
When this unit has condensation inside, it may not function
normally. Should this occur, leave the unit for a few hours,
then try to operate again.

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