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Connect the FM antenna to the FM 75 terminal and the AM
antenna to the AM LOOP jack.
To stand the AM loop antenna on a surface
Fix the claw to the slot as shown in the illustration.
To position the antennas
Keep antennas away from metallic objects, electrical equipment
(including the unit itself) and cords.
FM antenna: Extend fully and position for the best reception. If
reception is poor, connect an optional outdoor antenna to the
FM 75 terminal.
AM antenna: Rotate to find best reception.
Position the speakers to make the most of Dolby, DTS or DSP
surround effect.
Front speaker (L/R)
Center speaker (C)
Position in the center of the two front speakers. In addition,
position on or below the TV set, if connecting a TV set to the
Surround speakers (LS/RS)
Place the surround speakers directly to the side of or slightly
behind the listening area. Align them horizontally, about 1 meter
(3.2 feet) above ear height.
Sub woofer (SW)
Place the sub woofer in any place near the two front speakers.
When not connecting the sub woofer
Select the “SUBW OFF” mode.
1 Press and hold SPEAKERS until “FR LARGE” is displayed.
2Within 6 seconds, turn MULTI JOG so that “SUBW ON” is
3 Press ENTER.
4Within 6 seconds, turn MULTI JOG so that “SUBW OFF” is
displayed, then press ENTER.
Turning on/off the front speakers
Each time you press SPEAKERS on the front panel, the front
speakers are turned on and off. When the front speakers are
turned on, “SP3” lights up on the display window.
When you turn off the front speakers, the surround mode (Dolby
Digital, Dolby Pro Logic or DTS) or the DSP mode will be
When the front speakers are turned off, SURROUND and DSP
on the front panel cannot be used. (“CAN’T USE” will be
AM antenna
FM antenna

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