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The air in houses and offices is often too dry, indeed it is often harmful due to
Airborne dust,
Numerous noxious substances,
Smoke and odors,
Allergy-inducing substances such as pollen, animal hair and dust mites.
The possible health risks range from
Drying out of the membranes in your respiratory system, as well as chapped
lips and stinging eyes,
Weariness, tiredness and poor concentration,
Infections and illnesses of the respiratory system, asthma attacks,
Up to and including allergic reactions and serious illnesses.
For these health problems, from which an ever increasing number of people
suffer, the term Sick Building Syndrome has been coined.
Excessively dry air can also
Be harmful to pets and indoor plants,
Encourage the production of dust and increase electrostatic charging from
textiles made of synthetic fibers, carpets and synthetic flooring,
Cause damage to furnishings made of wood and especially parquet floors,
Detune musical instruments.
Tips for your health
The use of a combined air purifier and humidifier
Does not replace the regular airing of rooms,
Is particularly recommended for persons suffering from allergies,
Improves the air quality, however it cannot remove the sources of harmful
If you have the feeling that the symptoms of your health problems are related to
harmful effects in houses and offices, then have a thorough medical checkup and
also have specific tests performed for harmful substances in the body. Depending
on the results, a biological investigation of the building may be recommendable.
Appliance description
We are pleased to have the opportunity to introduce to you the top model in our
range, the combi-unit AOS 2071.
The appliance provides for a healthy ambient air all year round with
2 particle filters for fine dust and the smallest suspended matter,
1 activated carbon filter for harmful gases and odors,
2 water tanks and an antimicrobial evaporator cartridge for humidifying the air,
A fragrance capsule for the use with essential oils.
Due to the use of cold evaporation, humidity is automatically increased by the
correct amount. The two water tanks ensure a long operational period before the
next filling is required.
Further features of the AOS 2071 are
3 modes of operation for air circulation,
Extremely quiet operation,
Easy to use,
Functional, state-of-the-art design.

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