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User’s Manual
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Thank you very much for purchasing this product. Before you start, you are
recommended to read this manual step by step to obtain the best results with your
new Pico projector. We wish you enjoy it.
About the product
This is the latest generation of Pico projector with DLP technology inside. Known for
great cinema projectors, the DLP technology provides rich colours and enhances the
contrast of the image. The Pico projector offers versatile connection options including
HDMI, MHL and VGA port and projecting the images up to 120’’ (300 cm) in size. This
Pico projector is the best solution for mobile use in business and entertainment.
Safety Notice
1. Keep the device and packaging materials out of the reach of infants and children.
2. Avoid subjecting the power adapter and other contacts to dripping or splashing
water and dry your hands before you use it. Do not place objects filled with liquids
such as vases, etc. on or near the device.
3. Make sure that the used power outlet is always readily available and never hidden.
In case of emergency, use the power adapter to separate the device from the power
4. Keep your device away from all flames such as candles and do not set them up in
the vicinity of the device.
5. Keep the unit at least 10 cm away from other objects. Make sure the ventilation is
not covered by newspapers, tablecloths, curtains, etc.
6. For your own safety, do not use the projector during thunderstorms or lightning.
7. Relative Humidity is 20% ~ 80%, non-condensing.
8. The battery is integrated with the device. Do not dissemble and modify. The battery
should be replaced by an authorized service center only.
9. Ensure that the ambient room temperature is within 5 ~ 35°C
10. Wait before using if the device has been moved from a cold location into a warm one.
Any condensation that has formed may in certain circumstances destroy the device.
As soon as the device has reached room temperature it can be used without risk.
11. Handle the product with care. Avoid contact with sharp objects. Keep device away
from metallic objects.
12. Place the projector on a flat surface. Any collision or falling to the ground is likely to
damage the product.
13. Do not drop or disassemble the product otherwise the warranty voids. Opening or
removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards. Refer all
servicing to an authorized service center.
14. Use only the accessories supplied by the manufacturer.

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