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Thoroughly blend all the ingredients together and let it turn in
the ice cream maker in approx. 35 minutes, until you get a
good cream ice consistency. After the preparation in the ice
cream maker you put it in the freezer for approximately half an
Basic recipe yoghurt ice cream
350 gr whole (Turkish) yoghurt
50 gr whole milk
90 gr. fine granulated sugar
15 gr grape sugar
15 gr skim milk powder
Dissolve the sugar, grape sugar and skim milk powder in a pan
in which the milk is heated. Then let the whole cool down.
Stir the yoghurt through thoroughly. Pour the whole in the ice
cream maker and turn it in approx. 35 minutes until ice cream.
(If you like a milder result you can add 100 gr loosely beaten
cream before freezing). After the preparation in the ice cream
maker you put it in the freezer for approximately half an hour.
stiff and stir it through the pulp. After that pour it into the ice
cream maker and let it turn for 35 to 40 minutes. After the
preparation in the ice cream maker you put the whole in the
freezer for approximately half an hour.
Divide the ice cream over 4 small plates with the ball scoop.
Pour mocha sauce and sprinkle almonds over it.
Mango yoghurt ice cream
1 large mango
1 passion fruit
15 ml. fresh orange juice
0.5 tablespoonful of lemon juice,
grated peel of 0.5 lemon
0.5 tablespoonful of sugar
2 1/2 dl. yoghurt
fresh basil
Peel 1 mango and cut this in pieces. Puree the mango with the
content of the passion fruit, the orange juice and lemon juice,
the shredded lemon rind, sugar and yoghurt.
Turn the mixture in the ice cream maker to ice cream Puree
half of the other mango and cut the rest in slices. After the
preparation in the ice cream maker you put it in the freezer for
approximately half an hour.
Garnish the ice cream, with a spoonful of mango puree, mango
slices and a leave of basil.
Yoghurt ice cream with forest fruit
150 ml skim yoghurt
100 ml cream
50 gr granulated sugar
50 ml forest fruit sauce
Juice of half a lemon

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