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well and carefully place them in the hot oil.
Fry the mushrooms ready and golden brown in 2 minutes,
drain them and serve them with the tomato sorbet. Garnish it
with a twig of coriander.
1.25 dl. Milk
1.25 dl. whipped cream
1 split vanilla pod
3 egg yolks
45 gram sugar
Boil the milk with whipped cream and the vanilla pod and after
that let the whole cool down. Beat the yolks with the sugar until
thick and yellow. Scrape the marrow from the vanilla pod and
add to the milk. Heat until it boils and then beat the yolks in.
Turn into cream ice in the ice cream maker in approx.
35 minutes. After the preparation in the ice cream maker you
put the whole in the freezer for approximately half an hour.
Pistachio ice cream
125ml whole milk
50 gr sugar
1 egg
75 gr. shelled pistachio nuts
225 gr. whipped cream
1 teaspoonful of vanilla essence
Heat the milk in a pan.
Beat the eggs loose in a separate bowl together with the sugar.
Slowly pour the heated milk in the egg-and-sugar mixture while
Pour this whole back into the pan and heat the mixture,
meanwhile firmly stirring, until it begins to thicken.
This recipe may sound weird, but in a total menu it may offer a
welcome addition. The ice cream, made according to these
recipes, can serve as an aperitif (even on toast) or as
entremets to neutralize the palate and can of course also be
taken to your own taste.
Fried mushrooms with tomato sorbet
1 package of strained tomatoes of 400 gram
1 twig of rosemary
125 gr grape sugar
2 teaspoonfuls of lime juice
1-2 drops of Tabasco
salt, pepper
oil for the frying
6 white mushrooms
60 gram self-rising flour
1/2 egg
2 tablespoonfuls of water
2 teaspoonfuls of coriander
Boil the strained tomatoes with the rosemary.
Dissolve the grape sugar in 1 dl boiling water. Add this sugar
water to the strained tomatoes and boil it again.
Add the lime juice, the Tabasco, the salt and the pepper to
taste. Allow the mixture to cool down. Turn the tomato mixture
into fine sorbet ice cream in the ice cream maker in
35 minutes. After the preparation in the ice cream maker you
put the whole in the freezer for approximately half an hour.
Heat the oil in a frying pan or spacious casserole up to
180 degrees C. Brush the mushrooms clean. Put the self-rising
flour in a bowl and add the half beaten egg. Add the water
spoon by spoon and stir into a smooth batter. Cut the
coriander fine and stir this through the batter.
Dip the mushrooms in the batter one by one, drain them all

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