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Fixing and Maintenance Instructions Ver. 3 08/2012 (1572)
Thank you for deciding to purchase the Aluminium Walking Frame from Aidapt. When
used correctly it is designed to give many years of reliable trouble-free service. The
Aluminium Walking Frame is available in various sizes, with or without wheels.
Please Note: Always consult with the prescriber/Physiotherapist if you are in any
doubt that this product is suitable for your use.
When the frame is adjusted correctly the user should be able to maintain an upright
posture with the elbow slightly flexed. In this way, body weight is taken through the
frame by pushing down on the frame when walking.
N.B. This equipment must be installed by a competent person.
UUDo notUU exceed the weight limit stated doing so could put the user at UUriskUU.
Carefully remove all packaging. Avoid using any knives of other sharp instruments as
this may damage the surface of the product.
Check the product for any visible damage. If you see any damage or suspect a fault,
contact your supplier for support.
NB. In this case, please do not use your product as it may compromise your
Walker sits level and all legs are adjusted to the same height.
Ferrules are in good condition - replace if necessary.
Use only Aidapt parts or accessories.
When using accessories such as bags, baskets, etc., ensure these are fitted
safely and are not overloaded.
Stow the frame with care when transporting in a car boot. Damage can occur
due to impact with car boot door.
Bariatric Walking Frame with Wheels
Bariatric Walking Frame without Wheels
180 kg (28 stone) weight limit.
222 kg (35 stone) weight limit.
VP125K, VP125M, VP125T
VP125B, VP125D, VP125F
Standard Walking Frame
with Wheels
Walking Frame without Wheels
Ultra Narrow Walking Frame with Wheels
Ultra Narrow Walking Frame without Wheels
XL Walking Frame with Wheels
XL Walking Frame without Wheels
Paediatric Standard Walking Frame with Wheels
Paediatric Standard Walking Frame without Wheels
Paediatric Ultra Narrow Walking Frame with Wheels
Paediatric Ultra Narrow Walking Frame without Wheels

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Andere handleiding(en) van Aidapt VP181S

Aidapt VP181S Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 6 pagina's

Aidapt VP181S Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 6 pagina's

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