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Assembly and Operating Instructions Ver. 3 01/2014 (2284)
To fold the backrest down, push on both of the black plastic levers,
then pull back and down on the top part of the backrest. To return to
the original, reverse the procedure, making sure the mechanisms are
locked securely.
2. Handles
The handles are designed for the helper to propel the chair. They
must not be used solely for lifting the chair over obstructions or kerbs
(see negotiating obstacles)
3. Armrest
PVC pads are fixed onto the armrest for comfort and can be replaced
as spare parts.
4. Seat Upholstery
Periodically check the upholstery for signs of tears or sagging.
Replace immediately if the seat is damaged. Remember: the seat
upholstery is the primary weight supporting material.
5. Footplates
The footplates are intended as a foot support only when you are sitting
in the chair. On no account should you stand on the footplates. The
heel loops or calf straps (if fitted) can be used to secure the position of
the feet. The footplate assemblies can be adjusted in height by
loosening the nut of the base of the adjustment tube, positioning the
plate at the required height and tightening the nut to secure the
assembly. The footplate supports can be swung away to the outside of
the chair. To carry out this procedure, pull the release lever towards
the front and swing the support to the outside of the chair. If the
support is to be removed, lift it upwards. To re-fit and return to the
original position, reverse the above procedure.
6. Castor and bearing
The front and rear wheels are solid puncture proof tyres. These should
be checked at regular intervals to monitor any wear. Chairs become
difficult to steer and propel when surfaces have worn flat. It is
recommended that both front tyres are replaced at the same time to
avoid one side of the chair from being higher than the other.
The wheel is secured to the castor fork by an axle bolt and axle nut.
Periodically, this bolt and nut should be checked and tightened if
necessary to allow a snug but free spinning fit. The castor fork swivel
on the front wheels allow the chair to be steered in either left or right
direction. An adjustment locknut is located under the castor cap. If the
locknut is too tight, the chair will be difficult to steer.
7. Wheel lock assembly

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Andere handleiding(en) van Aidapt VA171

Aidapt VA171 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français - 8 pagina's

Aidapt VA171 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 12 pagina's

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