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Fitting and Maintenance Instructions Ver. 1 11/2013 (2713)
Thank you for deciding to purchase the Wheelchair or Scooter Bag from Aidapt. The
Wheelchair and Scooter Bags are manufactured from the finest materials available. When
used correctly they are designed to give many years of reliable, trouble-free service.
Please examine your product for any visible damage before using/installing. If you see any
damage or suspect a fault, please do not use, but contact your supplier.
Wheelchair/ Scooter Bags are suitable for use with most standard wheelchairs/scooters. They
provide the user and/or carer with extra storage.
Wheelchair Bags
Simply hook a looped strap onto each of the handles to suspend the bag from the back of
the wheelchair.
Scooter Bags
Simply hook the attached straps on the back of the Scooter Bag over the top of the seat with
the bag on the back of the seat and adjust the horizontal strap as necessary for a snug and
secure fit.
Clean your Wheelchair or Scooter Bag using a mild detergent with a slightly damp, soft cloth
only. Only use a mild detergent or disinfectant; never use an abrasive cleaner.
After cleaning, leave the bag somewhere warm and dry to air. Do not leave in direct contact
with a heat source.
Please make a safety check of the product at regular intervals or if you have any concerns.
The information given in this instruction booklet must not be taken as forming part of or
establishing any contractual or other commitment by Aidapt Bathrooms Limited, Aidapt
(Wales) Ltd or its agents or its subsidiaries and no warranty or representation concerning the
information is given.
Please exercise common sense and do not take any unnecessary risks when using this
product; as the user you must accept liability for safety when using the product.
Please do not hesitate to contact the person who issued this product to you or the
manufacturer (detailed below) if you have any queries concerning the assembly/use of your
Aidapt Bathrooms Ltd, Lancots Lane, Sutton Oak, St Helens, WA9 3EX
Telephone: +44 (0) 1744 745 020 Fax: +44 (0) 1744 745 001 Web: www.aidapt.co.uk
Email: accounts@aidapt.co.uk adaptations@aidapt.co.uk sales@aidapt.co.uk

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