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Possible solutions
7.5 Adyen Fraud settings
If you are a merchant with excessive fraud and chargeback levels please work
with your Adyen representative to perfect your Adyen fraud settings. Fraud
settings need to be different for each merchant's given their different business
models and payment methods.
1. Issuing card v different shopper country
Many fraudulent transactions occur with a differing shopper IP address
and Issuing card country. If a merchant has a high number of
fraudulent transactions Adyen recommends using this tool. It can
either be set to 100/100 which will block all transactions which have a
differing shopper country and issuing card country or if a merchant
has a number of legitimate transactions from differing shopper and
issuing card countries then we also recommend setting the check at
90 and manually filtering the transactions. Manually filterting means
merchants manually checking a transaction and refunding any that it
believes to be fraudulent. This means a merchant will not incur
chargeback costs if it has chargeback liability. Adyen is developing on
a tool which will stop transactions that reach a certain score and then
merchant's can decide whether they would like to refuse or authorise
the transaction.
2. Issuing card country
If a merchant notices a high number of fraudulent transactions from
cards issued in one country then they can block cards issued in that
country. For example, the highest percentage of fraud comes from
USA issued cards. If after carrying out analysis merchants discover
they do not have shoppers buying with USA issued cards then they
can put USA on the “Issuing Country Referral List” which is located on
each merchant's fraud settings. This may affect shoppers who live in
Europe but hold a USA issued card however from our experience this
is usually a very low percentage of shoppers.
3. High Risk Shopper Country
If a merchant has a number of fraudulent transactions from one
Shopper country than they can block all transactions from those
shopper countries via the Shopper IP originates from high-risk country
block located on their Adyen fraud tool.
Copyright © Adyen B.V. 2012 17

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