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Installing the J2EE Configuration
Deploying ColdFusion 8 on BEA WebLogic
The following instructions tell you how to deploy ColdFusion 8 on BEA WebLogic 7, 8.1, 9.2, and 10. You can
deploy ColdFusion 8 on BEA WebLogic using either an expanded EAR file or WAR files.
The following terms refer toJRun and ColdFusion directories:
cfmx_install_directory The directory that contains the files extracted by the ColdFusion install, for example,
C:\cf8 or /opt/cf8.
wl_root The directory that contains WebLogic, for example, C:\bea.
wldomain_root The directory that contains the WebLogic domain into which you deployed ColdFusion.
cf_webapp_root The directory into which you deployed the ColdFusion web application, for example,
java_home The root directory of your Java 2 software development kit (J2SDK); for example, C:\j2sdk1.6.
Install ColdFusion 8 on WebLogic
1 Run the ColdFusion installation wizard, choosing the J2EE configuration.
The installation wizard places the WAR files in the install directory.
2 Determine the WebLogic domain in which to deploy ColdFusion 8. Optionally, create a domain.
3 Because ColdFusion 8 must run from an expanded directory structure, expand the cfusion.war and rds.war
files manually, and expand the web applications by doing the following:
a Open a console window, navigate to the directory that contains the WAR files, and create a directory for the
ColdFusion WAR file (named whatever you want the context root to be) and the RDS WAR file (named
cd cf_install_directory
md cfusion (Windows, mkdir cfusion on UNIX)
md CFIDE (Windows, mkdir CFIDE on UNIX)
b Change to the cfusion directory and expand the cfusion.war file with the jar command:
cd cfusion
java_home/bin/jar -xvf ../cfusion.war
c Go up one level to the install directory:
cd ..
d Go to the CFIDE directory and expand the rds.war file with the jar command:

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