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Table of contents - 3
Setting up 5
Unpacking your smartphone.................... 5
Getting to know your smartphone............ 5
Views .......................................................... 5
Charging the battery ................................... 6
Installing a SIM or microSD card ............. 7
SIM card lock ............................................ 10
Using your smartphone 11
Turning on for the first time.................... 11
Sign in to or create a Google account ... 11
Entering your PIN...................................... 11
Activating a new SIM card ........................ 11
Locking your smartphone ...................... 12
Waking your smartphone.......................... 12
Navigating through menus and options . 12
Using the touchscreen........................... 13
Onscreen keyboards ............................. 14
Google keyboard....................................... 14
Predictive text ........................................... 15
The Home screen .................................. 15
Search....................................................... 16
The extended Home screen...................... 16
Personalizing the Home screen ................ 16
The Application (Apps) menu.................... 19
Notification and status area ...................... 20
Multitasking ............................................... 21
Managing contacts 22
Managing your contacts ........................ 22
Adding a contact ....................................... 22
Making calls 24
Before making a call .............................. 24
Making a call ......................................... 25
Dialing a number from call history............. 25
Viewing missed calls................................. 25
Making a call to one of your contacts........ 26
Dialing an international number ................ 26
Direct dial widget....................................... 26
Answering or declining a call ................. 27
Internet calling 29
Adding an internet calling account......... 29
Editing or removing an internet calling
account .................................................. 29
Using internet calling ............................. 29
Receiving internet calls.......................... 29
Calling a contact’s internet calling
address.................................................. 30
Calling a phone number using internet
calling .................................................... 30
Messaging 31
Creating a new message ....................... 31
Replying to a message .......................... 32
Multimedia messages ............................ 33
Receiving multimedia messages .............. 33
Going online 35
Browsing the internet ............................. 35
Using the browser..................................... 35
Setting up Email..................................... 36
Google services ..................................... 36
Setting up your Google email ................... 36
Voice search ............................................. 37
Play Store ................................................. 38
Google Hangouts...................................... 40
Maps, Navigation, Places and Latitude .... 40
Using the Camera 41
Camera/camcorder icons and indicators ..
Mode Selector........................................... 43
Settings menus ......................................... 45
Taking a photo ....................................... 46
Shooting a video .................................... 46
Supported formats .................................... 46
Viewing photos and videos .................... 46
Geotagging ............................................ 47
Advanced settings 48
Putting your smartphone in Airplane
mode...................................................... 48
Turning Airplane mode on or off ............... 48
Restarting your smartphone .................. 49
Adjusting settings................................... 49
Activating or deactivating connections...... 49
Mobile network settings ............................ 51
Smartphone settings................................. 52
Sound ....................................................... 53
Display ...................................................... 53
Setting the date and time.......................... 54
Setting alarms........................................... 54
Changing language and text options ........ 54
Connecting to a PC................................ 55
Synchronization ........................................ 55
FM radio................................................. 56
Applications (apps) ................................ 56
Closing an app.......................................... 56
Uninstalling an app ................................... 57
Restoring to factory settings .................. 57
Accessories and tips 58
Using the headset.................................. 58
Using a Bluetooth headset..................... 58
Creating a new access point..................... 58

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Andere handleiding(en) van Acer Liquid Z320 Duo

Acer Liquid Z320 Duo Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 77 pagina's

Acer Liquid Z320 Duo Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 85 pagina's

Acer Liquid Z320 Duo Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 80 pagina's

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Als u niet binnen een kwartier uw email met handleiding ontvangen heeft, kan het zijn dat u een verkeerd emailadres heeft ingevuld of dat uw emailprovider een maximum grootte per email heeft ingesteld die kleiner is dan de grootte van de handleiding.

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