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It is most important that this instruction
book should be retained with the
appliance for future reference. Should
the appliance be sold or transferred,
always ensure that the book is left with
the appliance in order that the new owner
can get to know the functions of the
appliance and the relevant warnings.
These warnings are provided in the interest of safety. You
MUST read them carefully before
installing or using the appliance.
Important Safety Information
During use
This appliance has been designed for cooking edible
foodstuff only and MUST NOT be used for any other
Ensure that all control knobs are in the OFF position
when not in use.
Should you connect any electrical tool to a plug near
this cooking appliance, ensure that electric cables are
not in contact with it and keep them far enough from
the heated parts of this appliance.
If the appliance is out of order, disconnect it from the
electric supply.
Do not leave untensils containing foodstuffs, e. g. fat
or oil in or on the appliance. This could cause damage
in case the appliance is inadvertently switched on.
Always place the dripping pan in position to collect fat
when using the grill or when cooking meat. Pour a little
water into the dripping pan to avoid smoke and
unpleasant smells.
Always use oven gloves to remove pans from the oven.
For hygiene and safety reasons, this appliance should
be kept clean at all times. A build-up of fats or other
foodstuff could result in a fire.
Disconnect the appliance from the electrical supply,
before carrying out any cleaning or manteinance work.
Some parts of the appliance are covered by a shock-
proof plastic film. Remove this film before using the
This appliance is meant to operate with a single-
phased connection to 230V electrical supply. An
eventual 400V poliphasic connection without earth
wire will destroy the oven and the hob, if fitted.
The manufacturer disclaims any responsability
should all the safety measures not be carried out.
Child Safety
This appliance has been designed to be operated by
adults and children under supervision. Young children
MUST NOT be allowed to tamper with the controls or play
near or with the oven.
Accessible parts of this appliance may become hot
when it is in use. Children should be KEPT AWAY until it
has cooled.
It is mandatory that all operations required for the
installation are carried out by a qualified or competent
person, in accordance with existing rules and
It is dangerous to alter the specification in any way.
Once you removed all packaging from the appliance,
ensure that it is not damaged and the electric cable is
in perfect conditions. Otherwise, contact your dealer
before proceeding with the installation.
Under no circumstances should you attempt to repair
the appliance yourself. Repairs carried out by
unexperienced persons may cause injury or serious
malfunctioning. Refer to your local Service Centre.
Always insist on genuine spare parts.
Environmental Information
After installation, please dispose of the packaging
with due regard to safety and the environment.
When disposing of an old appliance, make it
unusable, by cutting off the cable.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Acec ab 456

Acec ab 456 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 11 pagina's

Acec ab 456 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 11 pagina's

Acec ab 456 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 12 pagina's

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