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oven dishes
You can, in principle, use any dish that is heatproof. Do not
rinse glass dishes under cold water directly after use. The
sudden temperature difference may cause the glass to crack.
Use dark or black baking tins. These conduct heat better and
allow the food to cook more evenly.
do not cover the bottom of the oven
Covering the bottom of the oven - for example, with
aluminium foil or a baking tray - may result in overheating and
damage to the enamel.
setting the time
Select a cooking time 5 minutes shorter than that given in
the recipe. This enables you to check whether the dish or
cake is cooked and has a good colour before the end. If not,
close the oven door and check it again a little later. The door
should be opened and closed slowly, and preferably not
before three-quarters of the cooking time has elapsed.
keeping warm
You can use the oven to keep warm food that has already
been cooked. Select the turbo function and a temperature of
80 °C. Cover food that you want to keep warm, to stop it
drying out.
cooking information
tips for baking and roasting
cooking information
tips for baking and roasting
energy-conscious use of the oven
Open the oven door as little as possible.
Cook dishes with approximately the same cooking
temperatures (apple tart and an oven dish, for example) at the
same time on the same grid shelf, or one above the other with
the turbo function. You can also braise meat at the same time.
Cook several dishes one after the other (an oven dish after a
cake, for example). The cooking time for the second dish can
often be shortened by 10 minutes because there is so much
heat still in the oven.
Thanks to the oven insulation, dishes with a longer cooking
time (more than an hour) can finish cooking using the residual
heat in the oven. Switch the oven off 10 minutes earlier than
is indicated, but leave the door shut.
Preheating is not generally necessary, except for dishes with
a cooking time of less than 30 minutes or when the recipe
indicates it. You can warm the oven extra quickly using the
special preheating setting.
empty oven
Take everything that is not required for cooking out of the
cooling down
Switch the oven off before taking the cooked dish out of it.
Close the oven door and let the oven cool down.

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Andere handleiding(en) van ATAG OX 2053AR

ATAG OX 2053AR Aanvulling / aanpassing - Nederlands - 1 pagina's

ATAG OX 2053AR Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

ATAG OX 2053AR Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch, English - 2 pagina's

ATAG OX 2053AR Installatiehandleiding - Français - 2 pagina's

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