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Chapter 4: Keeping in touch
Call Settings
Configure the settings for your incoming or outgoing calls, call barring, home dialing, and more.
1. Do any of the following to launch the Settings screen:
Launch Quick settings then tap .
Tap > Settings.
2. Tap Call settings, then select any of these settings that you want to set up.
Block call settings
Block function setting Configure the settings for the Block function.
Block List Display the list of your blocked contacts or numbers.
Incoming call settings
Phone ringtone Set up the ringtone for your SIM 1 or SIM 2 card.
Vibrate when ringing Tick when you want your ASUS Phone to vibrate when it rings.
Call forwarding Use this feature if you want to send calls to another number on
any of these conditions: Always forward, Forward when busy,
Forward when unanswered, and Forward when unreachable.
Call rejection message Select or create the message that you want to send when youre
unable to answer an incoming call.
Headset settings for
incoming calls
When you’ve connected a Bluetooth or wired headset to your
ASUS Phone, you can select to automatically answer or set the
wait time for incoming calls.
Outgoing call settings
Dial pad touch tones Tick or untick to enable or disable the Dial pad sound in the
Phone app.
Connection alert settings Turn vibration on or off for the connection alert settings.
Fixed Dialing Numbers
Set up these settings when you want to restrict outgoing calls
only to those numbers in your FDN list, or to numbers with
certain prefixes. Inquire from your mobile service provider about
availing the FDN service for your SIM card.
Home dialing Enable and configure your Home dialing settings. For more
details, see Home dialing.
Other settings
Auto call recording Configure the settings for the auto call recording function.
Call duration Display the length of calls between two parties. Call duration is
measured differently depending on the mobile service provider.
Voice mail Set up the voicemail settings, if you’ve subscribed to a voicemail
service with your mobile service provider.

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ASUS ZenFone 2 Laser ZE500KL Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 154 pagina's

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