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A-2 Appendix: Troubleshooting
This troubleshooting guide provides solutions to some common problems
that you may encounter while installing or using the ASUS Portable Wireless
AP. These problems require simple troubleshooting that you can perform by
yourself. Contact the ASUS Technical Support if you encounter problems not
mentioned in this section.
Prob lem Acti on
The ASUS Portable Wireless
AP does not power up.
• Use a test meter to measure the voltage output of the power source
through the power plug.
• Check if the power plug is properly connected to the device.
Other devices cannot
communicate with the ASUS
Portable Wireless AP through
a wired network connection.
• Verify your network conguration to ensure that there is no IP
address duplication. Turn off the device in question, then ping the
assigned IP address of the device. Make sure no other device
responds to that address.
• Check if the cables have the proper pin outs and connectors. You
may also use another LAN cable.
• Make sure the hub, switch, or computer connected to the ASUS
Portable Wireless AP supports 10Mbps or 100Mbps speed.
Do this by check the ASUS Portable Wireless AP and the Hub LEDs.
When you connect the ASUS Portable Wireless AP to a 10/100 Mbps
hub, both the Hub LED and the ASUS Portable Wireless AP Ethernet
LEDs should light up.
My ASUS WLAN card can
not associate with the ASUS
Portable Wireless AP.
• Make sure your WLAN card has the same specications as the
ASUS Portable Wireless AP (IEEE 802.11b/g).
Minimize the distance between the devices. The ASUS WLAN card
may be out of range of the ASUS Portable Wireless AP.
• Check if the ASUS Portable Wireless AP and the ASUS WLAN card
have the same SSID.
• When encryption is enabled, check if the ASUS Portable Wireless
AP and the ASUS WLAN card have the same encryption settings.
• Check if the Wireless LED of the ASUS Portable Wireless AP is on.
• When the Access Control table is enabled, check if the MAC
address of the ASUS WLAN card is included in the Access Control
• Check if the ASUS Portable Wireless AP is in “Access Point” mode.
The throughput seems slow. Avoid placing the device behind a metal object. Clear obstacles
between the AP and the device. Try moving the client closer to the
ASUS Portable Wireless AP and check if the throughput increases.
Consider adding a second ASUS Portable Wireless AP to implement

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Andere handleiding(en) van ASUS WL-330gE

ASUS WL-330gE Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 70 pagina's

ASUS WL-330gE Snelstart handleiding - Alle talen - 229 pagina's

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