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Power Safety Requirement
Products with electrical current ratings up to 6A and weighing more than
3Kg must use approved power cords greater than or equal to: H05VV-F, 3G,
or H05VV-F, 2G, 0.75mm
DO NOT throw the battery in municipal waste. The symbol of the
crossed out wheeled bin indicates that the battery should not be
placed in municipal waste.
DO NOT throw the Eee Pad in municipal waste. This product has been
designed to enable proper reuse of parts and recycling. The symbol
of the crossed out wheeled bin indicates that the product (electrical,
electronic equipment and mercury-containing button cell battery)
should not be placed in municipal waste. Check local regulations for
disposal of electronic products.
SAFE TEMP: This Eee Pad should only be used in environments with
ambient temperatures between 0°C (32°F) and 35°C (95°F).
Risk of Explosion if Battery is Replaced by an Incorrect Type.
Dispose of Used Batteries According to the Instructions.
CE Mark Warning
CE marking for devices without wireless LAN/Bluetooth
The shipped version of this device complies with the requirements of the EEC
directives 2004/108/EC “Electromagnetic compatibility and 2006/95/EC “Low
voltage directive.
CE marking for devices with wireless LAN/ Bluetooth
This equipment complies with the requirements of Directive 1999/5/EC of the
European Parliament and Commission from 9 March, 1999 governing Radio
and Telecommunications Equipment and mutual recognition of conformity.
ASUS Recycling/Takeback Services
ASUS recycling and takeback programs come from our commitment to the
highest standards for protecting our environment. We believe in providing
solutions for you to be able to responsibly recycle our products, batteries,
other components as well as the packaging materials. Please go to http://csr.
asus.com/english/Takeback.htm for detailed recycling information in dierent
ASUS Eee Pad Manual

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Andere handleiding(en) van ASUS Eee tablet TF 101G

ASUS Eee tablet TF 101G Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 56 pagina's

ASUS Eee tablet TF 101G Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 56 pagina's

ASUS Eee tablet TF 101G Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 57 pagina's

ASUS Eee tablet TF 101G Gebruiksaanwijzing - Português - 56 pagina's

ASUS Eee tablet TF 101G Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 56 pagina's

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