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ENGLISH # WS 700-100, WS 700-115, WS 700-125, WSE 700-115
You demand the best and buy quality - quality provided by Atlas Copco. We have
built for you a reliable and lasting tool. Working effectively and without endangering
your health is only possible if this instruction for use is read carefully before first us-
ing the tool. We want to satisfy our customers and would like you to buy again AEG
Electric Power Tools from Atlas Copco.
Technical Data
Safety advice Please note safety instructions on red sheet 4 000 333 024!
Do not pierce the motor housing as this could damage the double insulation (use
Always pull the plug from the mains before making any settings or carrying out main-
Only plug-in when machine is switched off.
Keep mains lead clear from working range of the machine. Always lead the cable
away behind you.
Before use check machine, cable, and plug for any damages or material fatigue. Re-
pairs should only be carried out by authorised service agents.
After switching off, the machine will not be idle immediately. (After-running of the
work spindle.) Allow the machine to come to a stop before putting down.
Never reach into the danger area of the machine when it is running.
Always wear safety goggles and ear protectors when working with this machine. It
is further recommended to wear safety gloves, apron, as well as sturdy non-slipping
Always use the additional handle.
Always use the protecting cap when roughing-down and separating.
Only use tools whose permitted speed is at least as high as the highest no-load
speed of the machine.
Pay attention to the dimensions of the grinding disc. The mounting hole diameter
must fit the mounting flange without play. Do not use reducer pieces or adapters.
Check grinding tools before use. The grinding tool must be properly mounted and
turn freely. Perform a test run for at least 30 seconds without load. Do not use dam-
aged, out of round or vibrating grinding tools.
Immediately switch off the machine in case of considerable vibrations or if other mal-
functions occur. Check the machine in order to find out the cause.
Always use and store the grinding disks according to the manufacturers instruc-
When grinding metal, flying sparks are produced. Take care that no persons are en-
dangered. Because of the danger of fire, no combustible materials should be locat-
ed in the vicinity (spark flight zone). Do not use dust extraction.
Due care should be taken that no sparks or sanding dust flying from the workpiece
come into contact with you.
Type WS 700-100 WS 700-115 WS 700-125 WSE 700-115
Nominal power (W) 710 710 710 710
Min. no-load speed (min
Max. no-load speed (min
) 11000 10000 10000 10000
Grinding disk diameter (mm) 100 115 125 115
Thread of work spindle M10 M14 M14 M14
Weight (kg) 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6
Speed control
No-load speed limiter
Smooth start

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