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Problem Possible solution
The cycle is shorter than
the time displayed.
The appliance calculates a new time according to the laundry
load. See the ‘Consumption Values’ chapter.
The cycle is longer than
the time displayed.
An unbalanced laundry load increases the duration time. This
is a normal behaviour of the appliance.
The washing results are
not satisfactory.
Increase the detergent quantity or use a different detergent.
Use special products to remove the stubborn stains before you
wash the laundry.
Make sure that you set the correct temperature.
Decrease the laundry load.
You cannot set an op-
Make sure that you press only the wanted button(s).
After the check, activate the appliance. The programme continues from the point of
If the problem occurs again, contact the Authorised Service Centre.
If the display shows other alarm codes. Deactivate and activate the appliance. If the
problem continues, contact the Authorised Service Centre.
In case of power failure or appliance
failure the appliance door remains
locked. The washing programme
continues, when the power is restored. If
the door remains locked in case of
failure, it is possible to open it using the
emergency unlock feature.
Before opening the door:
Make sure that the water
temperature and the
laundry are not hot. Wait
till they cool down, if
Make sure that the drum is
not rotating. Wait till the
drum stops rotating, if
Make sure that the water
level inside the drum is not
too high. Proceed with an
emergency drain, if
necessary (refer to
«Emergency drain» in
«Care and cleaning»
To open the door, proceed as follows:
1. Press the button AutoOff to switch
the appliance off.
2. Disconnect the mains plug from the
mains socket.
3. Open the filter flap.
4. Keep the emergency unlock trigger
pulled downward and, at the same
time, open the appliance door.

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Andere handleiding(en) van AEG L79489FL

AEG L79489FL Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 32 pagina's

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