Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Water inlet 32
Water-stop device 33
Water drainage 33
Packaging materials 35
Ecological hints 35
Subject to change without notice
Read carefully & keep for future reference.
The safety of Your appliance complies with the industry standards and with legal re-
quirements on the safety of appliances. However, as manufacturers, we feel it is our duty
to provide the following safety notes.
It is most important that this instruction book should be retained with the appliance for
future reference. Should the appliance be sold or transferred to another owner, or should
you move house and leave the appliance, always ensure that the book is supplied with
the appliance in order that the new owner can get to know the functioning of the
appliance and the relevant warnings.
You MUST read them carefully before installing or using the appliance.
Before first starting up, check the appliance for any damage incurred during transport.
Never connect up a damaged appliance . If parts are damaged, contact your supplier.
If the appliance is delivered in the winter months when there are minus temperatures.
Store it at room temperature for 24 hours before using for the first time.
General safety
It is dangerous to alter the specifications or attempt to modify this product in any way.
During high temperature wash programmes the door glass may get hot. Do not touch
Make sure that small pets do not climb into the drum. To avoid this, please check into
the drum before using.
Any objects such as coins, safety pins, nails, screws, stones or any other hard, sharp
material can cause extensive damage and must not be placed into the machine.
Only use the advised quantities of fabric softener and detergent. Damage to the fabric
can ensue if you over-fill. Refer to the manufacturer’s recommendations of quantities.
Wash small items such as socks, laces, washable belts etc in a washing bag or pillow case
as it is possible for such items to slip down between the tub and the inner drum.
Do not use your appliance to wash articles with whalebones, material without hems or
torn material.
Always unplug the appliance and turn off the water supply after use, cleaning and
Safety information
132943330 - 00 - 192010

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  • Wij hebben een AEG lavamat type L74659

    Als de waterkraan aanstaat gaat deze na geruime tijd lekken uit de filterruimte, rechts onderin aan de voorzijde, druppelt gestaag door. Begon eerst klein beetje daarna steeds heftiger. Als wij de kraan dichtdraaien stopt het lekken na geruime tijd. Gesteld op 21-1-2020 om 13:23

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Andere handleiding(en) van AEG L74659

AEG L74659 Veelgestelde vragen - Nederlands - 14 pagina's

AEG L74659 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 48 pagina's

AEG L74659 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 52 pagina's

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