Pagina terug
Pagina verder
prevents hot cookware to fall from the
appliance when the door or the
window is opened.
If the appliance is installed above
drawers make sure that the space,
between the bottom of the appliance
and the upper drawer, is sufficient for
air circulation.
The bottom of the appliance can get
hot. Make sure to install a non-
combustible separation panel under
the appliance to prevent access to the
Make sure that the ventilation space
of 2 mm, between the worktop and
the front of the below unit, is free.
The warranty does not cover damages
caused by the lack of an adequate
ventilation space.
2.2 Electrical Connection
Risk of fire and electrical
All electrical connections should be
made by a qualified electrician.
The appliance must be earthed.
Before carrying out any operation
make sure that the appliance is
disconnected from the power supply.
Make sure that the electrical
information on the rating plate agrees
with the power supply. If not, contact
an electrician.
Make sure the appliance is installed
correctly. Loose and incorrect
electricity mains cable or plug (if
applicable) can make the terminal
become too hot.
Use the correct electricity mains
Do not let the electricity mains cable
Make sure that a shock protection is
Use the strain relief clamp on the
Make sure the mains cable or plug (if
applicable) does not touch the hot
appliance or hot cookware, when you
connect the appliance to the near
Do not use multi-plug adapters and
extension cables.
Make sure not to cause damage to
the mains plug (if applicable) or to the
mains cable. Contact our Authorised
Service Centre or an electrician to
change a damaged mains cable.
The shock protection of live and
insulated parts must be fastened in
such a way that it cannot be removed
without tools.
Connect the mains plug to the mains
socket only at the end of the
installation. Make sure that there is
access to the mains plug after the
If the mains socket is loose, do not
connect the mains plug.
Do not pull the mains cable to
disconnect the appliance. Always pull
the mains plug.
Use only correct isolation devices: line
protecting cut-outs, fuses (screw type
fuses removed from the holder), earth
leakage trips and contactors.
The electrical installation must have
an isolation device which lets you
disconnect the appliance from the
mains at all poles. The isolation
device must have a contact opening
width of minimum 3 mm.
2.3 Use
Risk of injury, burns and
electrical shock.
Remove all the packaging, labelling
and protective film (if applicable)
before first use.
Use this appliance in a household
Do not change the specification of
this appliance.
Make sure that the ventilation
openings are not blocked.
Do not let the appliance stay
unattended during operation.
Set the cooking zone to “off” after
each use.
Do not rely on the pan detector.
Do not put cutlery or saucepan lids on
the cooking zones. They can become
Do not operate the appliance with
wet hands or when it has contact with

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