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Thank you for choosing an AEG product. In order to ensure the best results, always use original AEG accessories and
spare parts. They have been designed especially for your product. This product is designed with the environment in
mind. All plastic parts are marked for recycling purposes.
A. Jug
B. Removable mesh lter
C. Spout
D. Lid
E. Open lid button
F. Handle
G. Water level indicator
H. 1-Cup Turbo button
I. Keep warm button
J. LCD display
K. Start/Cancel button
L. Preset button
M. Separate base and mains cable
Picture page 2-3
1 Before rst use: Boil water in the kettle and pour it out. Repeat for 2 or 3 times. This will remove any remaning dust
or residues. (See the following steps on how to use the kettle). Wipe the outside of the kettle with a damp cloth.
2 Place the base unit on a rm and at surface. Plug the mains plug into a wall socket. Redundant cord can be wound
up at the bottom of base unit.
3 Press the Open lid button to open the lid. Fill the kettle with fresh tap water to the desired level (Min. 0.5L -
4 Close the lid and make sure that it snaps in correctly. Otherwise, the auto switch o function will not work reliably.
Place the kettle on the base. The LCD display will be illuminated, (followed by one long beep sound), to indicate that
the appliance is plugged in. The appliance is now in standby mode.
5 Press the Start/Cancel button to start or stop boiling water. (One short beep will sound) Note: Press and hold the
Start/Cancel button longer to enter energy saving mode (LCD turned o). (One long beep will sound)
When the boiling process is nished, two short beep followed by one long beep sound will sound.
6 The automatic switch o function. When the water has boiled or the kettle is moved from the base, it will switch o
automatically. If you wish to stop the heating process before the water is boiling, simply press the Start/Cancel button.
7 Press the Preset button (A) and repeat to set a specic temperature (50 - 100 °C). Depending on the tempera-
ture set, the indicator for the recommended beverage (Coee, White Tea, Oolong Tea, Green Tea) will appear on the
LCD display. Press the Start/Cancel button (B) to start boiling water. Note: One short beep will sound when a button
is pressed.
8 Press the 1-Cup Turbo button to boil one cup of water (max 200 ml) in less than 60 seconds. The setting will
cancel the temperature set by the Preset button. The default temperature for the 1-Cup Turbo button is 100 °C.
Note: This setting only allows to boil less water than required by the minimum water level (0.5L). The 1-Cup Turbo
function can boil max 200 ml of water at 20° C temperature in less than 60 seconds.
9 Press the Keep warm button (A), then press the Start/Cancel button (B), to start boiling water. Once the water
has reached the preset temperature the appliance will enter the keep warm mode, keeping the water at the preset
temperature for 40 min without reboiling it. CAUTION: Keep enough water on the minimum water level (0.5L).
Note: If the Preset temperature is set to 100 °C, the keep warm function will be unavailable.
10 Before cleaning, always unplug the appliance. Wipe the outside of the kettle with a damp cloth. Occasionally rinse
out the kettle with clean water.
Warning! Never immerse the housing, plug, and cord in water or any other uid.
11 To clean the mesh lter, grab the mesh lter and lift it out. Rinse under clean, running water, and insert it back
into the kettle in the correct orientation. Cleaning the base plate – a stainless steel cleaning product may be used to
clean the metal of the base plate.
12 Decalcifying is recommended every three months for best performance. Fill the kettle with water and decalcifyer
EWA78xx_Pragati_WaterKettle_NEW_NO-FARSI.indd 6 2017-07-06 12:44:36

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