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BS2E 7.2 T, BS2E 9.6 T, BS2E 12 T, BS2E 14.4 T, POWERBASE 60
J Do not try to charge non-chargeable batteries with this charger.
J No metal parts must be allowed to enter the battery section of the charger (short
circuit risk).
J Never break open battery packs and chargers and store only in dry rooms.
Keep dry at all times.
J Please pay attention to the following symbol on the label of the charger:
This tool is only suitable for indoor use. Never expose tool to rain.
J The battery clamps of the charger are fed by the mains supply. Do not touch the
tool with conducting objects.
J Never charge a damaged battery pack. Replace by a new one.
J Before use check machine, cable, and plug for any damages or material fatigue.
Repairs should only be carried out by authorised Service Agents.
Typically the A-weighted sound pressure level of the tool is less than 70 dB (A). The
noise level when working can exceed 85 dB (A). Wear ear protectors!
Typically the hand-arm vibration is below 2.5 m/s
The battery drill/screwdriver is designed for drilling and screwdriving for independent
use away from mains supply.
The quick charger can charge AEG System Accu 3000 batteries from 7.2 V to 14.4
Do not use this product in another way as stated for normal use.
Connect charger only on single phase AC current and only with mains voltage given
on rating plate. Connection is also possible to sockets without earthwire, as
appliance is double insulated in accordance with DIN 57 700/VDE 0700 or IEC 335.
Radio suppression complies with European standard EN 55014.
When fitting the plug, make sure that the brown (live) wire of this appliance is
connected to the plug terminal marked L or coloured red, and the blue (neutral) wire
of this appliance is connected to the plug terminal marked N or coloured black.
Under no circumstances must the wires of this appliance be connected to the earth
terminal of the plug marked either E, with the earth symbol or coloured green or
The contacts of chargers and battery packs must be kept clean.
If the supply cord of this appliance is damaged, it must only be replaced by a repair
shop appopinted by the manufacturer, because special purpose tools are required.
Use only AEG accessories and spare parts. Should components need to be
replaced which have not been described, please contact one of our AEG service
agents (see our list of guarantee/service addresses).
If needed, an exploded view of the tool can be ordered. Please state the ten–digit
No. as well as the machine type printed on the label and order the drawing at your
local service agents or directly at: Atlas Copco Electric Tools GmbH, Postfach 320,
D–71361 Winnenden.
The range of accessories with part numbers is shown in our catalogue.
Measured sound
vibration value

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