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To register your warranty, you should complete and return
the enclosed warranty card.
General warranty
If, after verication and at the sole discretion of A.O. Smith,
a component or part (with exclusion of the stainless steel
heat exchanger) of a water heater supplied by A.O. Smith
proves within two years of the original installation date to be
defective or fails to function correctly due to manufacturing
and/or material defects, then A.O. Smith shall repair or
replace this component or part.
Heat exchanger warranty
If, after inspection and at the sole discretion of A.O. Smith,
the stainless steel heat exchanger of a water heater
supplied by A.O. Smith proves within 3 years of the original
installation date to be leaking due to corrosion occurring
on the water side, then A.O. Smith shall offer to replace
the defective water heater with an entirely new water
heater of equivalent size and quality. The warranty period
given on the replacement water heater shall be equal to
the remaining warranty period of the original water heater
that was supplied. Notwithstanding that in the event that
unltered water is used, the warranty shall be reduced to
one year from the original installation date.
Conditions for Installation and Use
The warranty set out in Articles 1 and 2 will apply solely
under the following conditions:
• The water heater is installed under strict adherence
to A.O. Smith installation instructions for the specic
model, and the relevant government and local authority
installation and building codes, rules and regulations in
force at the time of installation.
• The water heater remains installed at the original site of
• The water heater is used exclusively with drinking water.
• The heat exchanger is safeguarded against harmful
scaling and lime build-up by means of periodic
maintenance according to the Installation-, User-,
Maintenance and Service manual.
• The water temperatures in the heater do not exceed the
maximum setting of the thermostats, which form a part of
the water heater.
• The water pressure and/or heat load do not exceed the
maximum values stated on the water heater rating plate.
• The water heater is installed in a non-corrosive
atmosphere or environment.
• The water heater is connected to a protected cold water
supply arrangement, which is approved by the relevant
authority; with sufcient capacity for this purpose;
supplying a water pressure no greater than the working
pressure stated on the water heater; in compliance
with the government and local authority installation and
building codes, rules and regulations.
The warranty set out in Articles 1 and 2 will not apply in the
event of:
• damage to the water heater caused by an external factor;
• misuse, neglect (including frost damage), modication,
incorrect and/or unauthorised use of the water heater
and any attempt to repair leaks;
• contaminants or other substances having been allowed to
enter the water heater and/or heat exchanger k;
• the hardness (alkaline earth ions) of the water exceeding
11.2 °dH (equals 20 °fH, 14 eH, 2.0 mmol/litre CaCO3 or
200 ppm CaCO3).
• unltered, recirculated water owing through in the water
• any attempts at repair to a defective water heater other
than by an approved service engineer.
• damage to the water heater due to excessive lime
deposits in the heat exchanger caused by improper or
negligent maintenance.
Scope of the warranty
The obligations of A.O. Smith by virtue of the warranty
provided do not extend beyond delivery free of charge from
the warehouse of the parts or components or water heater
to be replaced; transport, labour, installation and other costs
associated with the replacement shall not be borne by A.O.
A claim on grounds of the specied warranty must be
submitted to the dealer from whom the water heater was
purchased, or to another authorised dealer for A.O. Smith
Water Products Company products. Inspection of the water
heater as referred to in articles 1 and 2 shall take place
in one of the laboratories of A.O. Smith Water Products
Obligations of A.O. Smith
A.O. Smith grants no other warranty or guarantee over its
water heaters nor the (assemblies or parts of) water heaters
supplied for replacement, other than the warranty expressly
set out in these articles.
Under the terms of the supplied warranty, A.O. Smith is
not liable for damage to persons or property caused by
(assemblies or parts of) a (replacement) water heater that it
has supplied.

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A.O. Smith Instano ICW 25 Gebruiksaanwijzing en installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 64 pagina's

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