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Instruction manual BFC 3
Read this manual carefully
Read this manual carefully before starting the water heater. Failure to read
the manual and to follow the printed instructions may lead to personal injury and
damage to the water heater.
Copyright © 2015 A.O.Smith Water Products Company
All rights reserved.
Nothing from this publication may be copied, reproduced and/or published by
means of printing, photocopying or by whatsoever means, without the prior
written approval of A.O.Smith Water Products Company.
A.O.Smith Water Products Company reserves the right to modify specifications
stated in this manual.
Any brand names mentioned in this manual are registered trademarks of their
respective owners.
A.O.Smith Water Products Company accepts no liability for claims from third
parties arising from unauthorised use, use other than that stated in this manual,
and use other than in accordance with the General Conditions registered at the
Chamber of Commerce.
Refer further to the General Conditions. These are available on request, free of
Although considerable care has been taken to ensure a correct and suitably
comprehensive description of all relevant components, the manual may
nonetheless contain errors and inaccuracies.
Should you detect any errors or inaccuracies in the manual, we would be
grateful if you would inform us. This helps us to further improve our
More information
If you have any comments or queries concerning specific aspects related to the
water heater, then please do not hesitate to contact:
A.O.Smith Water Products Company
PO Box 70
5500 AB Veldhoven
The Netherlands
Telephone: (free) 0870-AOSMITH
General: +31 40 294 25 00
Fax: +31 40 294 25 39
E-mail: info@aosmith.nl
Website: aosmith.co.uk
In the event of problems with your gas, electricity or water supply connections,
please contact the supplier/installation engineer of your installation.

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Andere handleiding(en) van A.O. Smith BFC80

A.O. Smith BFC80 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 116 pagina's

A.O. Smith BFC80 Bijvullen ketel - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

A.O. Smith BFC80 Gebruiksaanwijzing en installatiehandleiding - Deutsch - 100 pagina's

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